Of the trolls, several had now been engaged in combat. The one that had attacked Klaus roared and attacked in a blind, drug-induced fury. Any injuries that were not lethal would not halt the creatures, and one of its mighty swipes sent one of the orcs that had formally been its handler flying, sending him to the ground with a sickening crunch of breaking bones and splitting flesh. The troll attacking Tyaethe had not yet realized it had lost a hand. So addled by drugs was it that it continued to attempt to use the bleeding stump as a bludgeon, slamming it to the ground. This tactic, of course, only caused the beast to lose more blood, spewing dark red onto the ground beneath it as the paladin hacked away at its thick hide, cutting into its flesh with each blow. It staggered, losing more blood by the moment... but still it attacked, lashing out with its remaining hand in an attempt to grab the armored target. Sir Ricard's charge, orcs crushed underfoot or scattered, was a successful one. The troll he chose to attack was bowled over, pinned under the massive wolf's bulk. It was not killed by the impact, however, its hands grasping at the enormous wolf. While trolls were stupid, and not fast, their immense strength was legendary. Ricard would have to take care not to allow its grip to grow too strong before it was dispatched. Salz's attack had, seemingly, managed to surprise even the drugged troll. But it wasn't enough to harm it, not noticeably at least. Letting out a snarl, the rocky-skinned beast grasped an unlucky orc in one hand and reared back before hurling it directly at the half-giant knight, before promptly charging her. One troll had been slain, a lance piercing through its eye and buried in its skull. The others were steadily engaging themselves in the swarm of knights... though as icy weapons pierced the hide of one of the hulking creatures, it turned and roared, slowly beginning to pick up its pace towards the archers and magi some distance away... It was clearly being harmed by the weapons piercing its flesh, but it was not yet slowing down, picking up its pace... Fanilly darted to the side as the orc's club slammed down. Even as she did, another of the barbaric creatures charged towards her. Taking a chance, she spun and took the orc's head as the larger of the two pulled its club from the earth. She had to wait for it to attack again before she could strike... if she could get one solid blow towards its body...! The orc snarled and charged towards her, raising its club. Fanilly swiftly darted to the side once more as the club swung down and- It was swatted to the side, and something struck Fanilly in the chest and knocked the wind clear out of her. Letting out a gasp, the blonde knight landed on her back and skidded backwards. It was quickly obvious her new attacker was one of the hulking trolls charging towards the Roses... It was distracted, for just long enough for Fanilly to stagger back to her feet. A troll... she had to try and take it on. Her armor hand managed to protect her from harm, its dwarven make rendering it incredibly sturdy. But any more hits like that... And then, next to Tiral, there was a voice. The voice of a girl, a child, saying... "The Captain may need your help soon~" But there was no-one there.