[center][h1]Kumiko Itou[/h1][h2]The (Im)movable Vanguard[/h2] [img]https://s17.postimg.org/3q1ls2cwf/rsz_1large.jpg[/img] [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Age[/b] Fifteen [b]Element[/b] Earth [b]Weapon[/b] Kite Shield [b]Miscellaneous[/b] - At first glance Kumiko is the last person one would associate the element of "Earth" with. Standing at only 5'2" in height and with a relatively thin build, her frail appearance is offset by her will to take charge and lead others to victory. - Curious, upbeat, and often rather dense Kumiko an easy target for practical jokes and manipulation. Once her mind has been decided upon something, however, she is nearly immovable in spite of whatever circumstances or even evidence may challenge her viewpoint. - Has an extreme obsession with horror fiction and darker themes hidden beyond her bubbly exterior. This interest is what led to her looking into the Occult Club shortly before being chosen as the Earth element. - Holds a grudge against Kurohime Rin and is jealous of her element, feeling darkness would be much more suitable for her than earth. - Moved to Octoberville two years ago with her older brother and father, who were drawn to the town by its unique properties. - Primarily relies on the power of her element to deal damage and trap her enemies, supplementing it when necessary with blunt strikes from her weapon. Still lacking in physical strength in spite of the training from Professor Himitsu, she must use her shield with both her hands when its manifested.[/center]