((And I'm gonna let you all know that it's still day in this rp. Only saying this so my post with Tyler won't be confusing.)) [b]Bookstore[/b] [@Arya10108909] Tyler shrugged in response before she left. He then turned to the only two that were(hopefully) still there. "I might as well clock out too. You sure you two don't need anything?"[@Blueflame][@WelcmeToGudBrgr] [hr] [b]Downtown[/b] [@Arya10108909] ((edited Savannah's powers in her CS so this would make more sense)) Savannah shrugged at this. "I figured as much, but let me do the mutating." She said as followed beside her. When she got close enough to the one she wanted, she looked at Vivianne with a sly smile. "Watch this." She focused on her target before closing her eyes and imagining the best type of vicious animal or creature that would be best suited for this guy(npc). She ended up imagining [b][url=https://img00.deviantart.net/ef26/i/2013/154/2/8/i_feel_a_bit_messed_up_today_by_albinoraven666fanart-d67pxr1.png] this [/url] [/b]. She opened her eyes when finished. The man slowly became exactly what she imagined. "What do you think?"