[hider=Reese Grimm][b]Name[/b]: Reese Grimm [b]Age[/b]: 34 [b]Appearance[/b]: Reese has dark brown hair, unkempt and not quite shoulder length. He has grey eyes and a clean shaven, albeit rugged face. His body is muscled and lean, topped off with a suntanned skintone. He often sports cargo pants, combat boots, and whatever T-shirt he can find. He has a cross necklace nestled around his neck, from his father. [b]Bio[/b]: Reese had a somewhat normal upbringing in Tampa, Florida. He was one of three children, his father working as a welder and his mother was employed as a counselor at Tampa University. He didn't have much of an odd childhood other than his independent streak and his love of rebellion. He often enjoyed reading and video games, though school work was never a priority. He graduated a year later than most other kids his age, and was sent to the military to gain practical skills in day to day life. Luckily, he found his niche in the military, having already taken jiujitsu and wing chun classes growing up (he took those seriously, at least), and the discipline was good for him. He found a steadfast friend in Joseph Beaulieu, who he often found himself paired with an promoted alongside, even re-enlisting in July 2016 with him, feeling the military life was the only one he ever felt right in. Unfortunately, the world itself seemed to have thought it wasn't meant to be, and the great catastrophe struck. Eventually ending up in Fort Riley, they decided to head to Fort Carlson in Colorado, near Colorado Springs. Oddly enough, he found he was not ill-suited for this life either. [/hider]