[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/283698275263971328/381826273355497482/Mary.gif[/img] Mary hated the roller coaster ride, as it only reminded her of the first time they got on it, for Mondatta's murder. She despised the idea that Monokuma treated the whole ordeal like a sick game show, and that they were simply contestants, and not prisoners in an abandoned hospital. Still, she had to keep her head on straight if she were to get to the truth behind Marianne's death. And so she took her place, and gave a courteous smile to Caora next to her before she turned serious. [color=pink]"The buzzer?"[/color] Mary reacted in bewilderment. [color=pink]So, could the kil-eh, blackened have set the fire outside the room? That's a scary thought."[/color] She held her sides and shivered...Until Krista made one of her infamous puns. [color=pink]"And I'm beary ashamed to hear that."[/color] She bit her lips when Monokuma decided to add more rules, and gave an annoyed gasp. [color=pink]"Indecent exposure? When did anyone do that?"[/color] She asked, and then blinked in surprise when everyone stared at her. She reflexively wrapped her arms around her chest; her cheeks blushed as she remembered the last trial. [color=pink]"...Point taken."[/color] The discussion on the arrows threw the Infinite Streamer out of the loop, so she took her video camera and rewound the footage tape. She didn't immediately answer Bliss when she tried to get her attention, until she averted her eyes upon seeing Marianne's lifeless eyes again. [color=pink]"Ugh...Oh, sorry Bliss, I was just thinking about the whole deal in that room. Like, why was Marianne even in Shaun's room?"[/color] She pondered about it, until something hit her. She gave a sly little smile to Shaun, and leaned on the podium with her elbow, facing the Infinite Web Designer. [color=pink]"Ah, could it be? You two...My, didn't expect that you would cheat on your girlfriend~"[/color]