[b][h3]Menomaru[/h3][/b] The gauntlet of the blond knight woman had slammed into his face and left a bruised look on it. Menomaru let out a slight grunt and his head fell forwards abit. It didn't hurt him as much as it appeared to do. He was a great demon. He didn't react to pain in the same way a human would do, but the punch itself had force. Enough to send ripples of force through his body and that he could indeed feel. The young woman was hotheaded. It would have appeared like he hit a nerve mentioning her father. She was very emotional, Menomaru may have been subdued and was at their mercy but he was now learning of weaknesses he could exploit later when he finally would take revenge for this humiliation. [i]I will enjoy devouring your soul later girl after I have humiliated and destroyed you for daring to do this to me.[/i] He mused inside his head. The apparant leader of the group seemed to toy with the idea of keeping him a prisoner or kill him. An indecisive arrogant little thing. She wouldn't evade his wrath either once he had gotten out of here and had allies of his own. They would all pay and they would pay dearly, perhaps he would spare the young boy just to question him before consuming his soul or use him as bait. Then there was the priestess girl as he believed her to be. Menomaru realized he had been wrong about her perhaps wrong about all of them.He did not detect any demonic aura from either them nor their weapons, yet nontheless their weapons and powers were more than human. Even strong enough to stand against someone as great as he was. This weapon. Raising Heart. It had seemingly a will of it's own to some degree. It was the weapon. It was the accursed weapon which her power likely emmenated from. It wasn't her power but the power of that weapon of hers. It now made sense, these people were being empowered by their equipment. Could the weapons be of a sacred nature like the sacred jewel shard he carried with him? He had been set free from the seal, the shackles which kept him caged. He could feel his magic returning to him. He slowly raised up on his feet. [b]"Hmm..."[/b] The young priestess girl spoke to him as if she were the hand of some god, and she would make him into her prisoner. Either way. Menomaru knew that trying to get away from them now were not an easy task, but he also thought better of it. That if he were to stay with them until the right moment, he might just be able to pry Raising Heart from the girl. Perhaps even threaten her to part with it. What some humans would do to save defenseless others of their kind. Her weapon was a dangerous one, he had seen it's power even if he had been able to avoid some of it. It was still a thing too dangerous to overlook. If he could not wield it himself, then he had to destroy it. He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a loud voice. As if spoken through a large horn. Then a group of humans by the look of it wielding firearms that Menomaru had never seen before surrounded them. [i]Nanoha Takamachi. I will destroy you with your own weapon later.[/i] He looked to the armed humans. So we are in Japan. For now he would play along with their plan. Perhaps these other humans would begin to fight against them. During such a shootout he had an opportune moment to pry Raising Heart from the girl. Then he could use that weapons powers to subdue the rest. [@KoL][@Raineh Daze][@VitaVitaAR][@Rin] [b][h3]Alberich[/h3] [/b] [i]She cannot defeat me with her powers. Hehehe. Hm?[/i] He set his eyes on the smaller girl and saw how her weapon changed it's shape. [b]"Impossible!"[/b] Alberich gasped as he saw the little angry girl in red proceeded through his amethyst shards, shattering them as her tiny form was provided with enough cover. She was actually using that weapon as a shield against his amethyst shards and coming straight for him. His eyes widened but before he could stop using his attack and try to dodge out of the way, the sound of the ground would catch his attention as rocks began to fly out of it to restrain him where he stood. [b]"What?!"[/b] He struggled to break free using his arms and legs causing his Amethyst sealed attack to cancel itself, it would stop sending shards towards the girl in red. But to no avail he was stuck, and before he could try and use Nature Unity to break free he heard some more people approaching and decided that there was little point in fighting back now. [b]"I surrender."[/b] [b][h3]Emilio[/h3][/b] Having gotten no reply from Tohka, he shrugged softly then Emilio turned to Tenshi which drove her sword into the ground, interupting the fight between Alberich and Vita. [b]"Ooh?"[/b] Emilio tilted his head to the side before smiling and then looked back to Tenshi before turning his sights on the military men that came upon the scene. [b]"Eeh?"[/b] He landed on the ground just abit behind Tenshi and walked forwards looking to the soldiers, memorizing where they were and how many there was before he set his eyes on Tenshi again she was speaking to what appeared to be their commander. [b]"Why making such a scary face, big sister? Heheh.."[/b] Emilio laughed softly as if to himself as he stepped even closer, looking directly over to the commander now.[b] "Did Director Wong send you? He really wants that Patricia girl doesn't he?"[/b] He placed his hand against his face, dragging his fingers down it abit before saying out loud. [b]"Let us go shall we?"[/b] Emilio stepped up beside Tenshi turning his head to look her directly into her eyes. [b]"With the army. Heh heh heh."[/b] [@KoL][@PKMNB0Y][@VitaVitaAR]