[quote=@SleepingSilence] You can find problems with just about anyone's writing ability. Even the rare ones that actually try to write something compelling to read and at least try to fix your mistakes before posting it. The most useful ability other players can have is taking constructive criticism AND actually doing something about their mistakes. So many people can't even do that, and I have a feeling at least one person in these 177 pages has been critical about someone's writing ability yet, put absolutely no added effort in their own posts. Spellcheck your work. Cut out repeated words and sentences that add nothing to the post. You're suppose to be making your writing actually interesting to read...have something, anything dramatic happen in your post. (An argument, a fight scene. Whatever actually builds plot or character.) Don't just explain how a character feels, or purple prose about a landscape and exposition dump. Make your post engaging or build up to something interesting. Making long wordy posts that are slog to read doesn't make it any better than someone merely posting a few concise paragraphs. And I could go on about GM'ing, but that's it's own separate issue... [/quote] You really gonna put forward this argument again and am I really gonna have to point out your hypocrisy again?