[@Odin] If it helps, I was going to point out people bitching about others personal grievances, is some of the most petty goddamn shit I've ever seen. Then I was going to post a gag clip, (spiderman 3 how it should of ended, with the line "You don't understand, I'm sick, that makes it okay to break the law.") to point out the semi-irony of calling out someone else's calling out. While playfully defending being sick for my moodiness. But deleted it figuring, if someone really wanted to, they would be bound to bitch at me and prove my banner meme will never die... So I mean, I've never said someone can't point out spelling errors in my (actual roleplaying posts) or give me advice/critique. But some people are too piss drunkenly stupid to not know the difference with text speech and writing. [b]No one -needs- to read my bitching about writing.[/b][b] No one cares about text speech in casual chats or conversation.[/b] You want to point out my writing flaws that badly? Go through my own goddamn writing on my roleplays and tell me what I could do better. PM me every single thing you could possibly find. And if you find an actual problem. I WILL fix it and even thank you for it. Even if the things are outright dead, just to prove a goddamn point. If you don't know the difference, learn it fast or stop bitching like you're being personally attacked for my statement. Edit: How is it hypocritical to say, everyone is flawed and plead for people to take constructive criticism and fix their roleplaying posts to make the experience better for the readers [b]that need to read[/b] to know what's going on? Please, point out flaws with these paragraphs that I wouldn't even need to make if I wasn't responding to your own ludicrous personal whining against my general statement...