[center][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6385/21a49f3f0592d55deee89b9ec810b198d8aa17b8_00.jpg[/img] Dawn Hassinger 750|[url=https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.1a809986b7ab557a74bfa86f8e85d179?rik=YXhxrKMxWn1jmA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.dhresource.com%2f0x0s%2ff2-albu-g4-M01-4C-17-rBVaEVgMztGAfF46AAN5XC1cj3I383.jpg%2fnew-costumed-beautiful-gold-angel-feather.jpg&ehk=thUB6hRACTsrBSwQNd7um6JCrZANIn8byaShEhdduAo%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0]Angel[/url]|The Observer|Neutral "Seeing how many are trying to save themselves and their home....it makes me question...." Additionally -Dawn has always wished she had been placed in the guardian faction. As a soldier she has done many things that she would like to forget. -Dawn has been sent by Michael to watch over the peace talks over the area and report back. -She hates Michael and tries to avoid as many missions from him as possible. She prefers Gabriel. -While she is a extremely loyal soldier. There might be a line, even she can't bring herself to cross. [/center]