Rajaka was left kneeling in a massive crater, at least 2 kilometres in diameter. He stood up slowly as Jeff landed nearby and cracked his neck. [color=fff200]"Sure, bud,"[/color] He mocked, stretching his arms out, [color=fff200]"Sure."[/color] He looked around and whistled at his handiwork. [color=fff200]"Gotta say, I think I improved the view. You should be thanking me for erasing that gross metal smudge! Makes this whole thing a little more interesting, dont'chya think?"[/color] He rose his hands outwards and walked around Jeff slowly, briefly taking glances at the terrain as he spoke. [color=fff200]"I mean... [b]Man[/b], I couldn't have made this any more [i]awesome.[/i] A giant crater? Come on! This is like, the coolest fucking place to duke it out! Where 'duke' means 'crush' and 'it out' roughly translates to 'your skull'. What I'm basically saying, is that you stand no goddamn chance."[/color] He chuckled to himself and grabbed his waist triumphantly. [color=fff200]"That laser though,"[/color] he started, raising a finger while freezing in place. His eyes moved towards Jeff and he waggled his finger in acknowledgement. [color=fff200]"That [i]might[/i] have hurt if I didn't see it coming. [i]Might of.[/i]"[/color]