The worse had come to pass. Parum had just arrived to where Torus was located when some cultist announced that they were looking for Parum and her party. The only way this could've been worse is if Cyanwrath himself had came looking for them. Parum hoped her meek and meager presence would have gone unnoticed in his mind. But there was a very real possibility that he may vaguely remember the halfling as well. She could at least use a minor illusion to change her hair a tad bit; a darker shade of blow and shorter, which would at least help get rid of some of the more obvious features she had. But for now, if she wanted to ensure she didn't end up summarily executed, she needed to play it cool. [color=7ea7d8]"Morndath huh? Good. I was wondering when I'll get my pay."[/color] As Parum approached the big tent she could see that Orchid, Torus, and Kyra were also being escorted to the big tent. This made her even more frighten; while Parum could lie through her teeth, Orchid was too brash, Torus too crypic, and she was all too well aware of Kyra's hatred for these people. Parum would have to hope that as the self-claimed leader of this group, she'd be allowed to do all the talking. Parum made sure that she kept up her tough facade, and if things go down badly she could at least fight to the bitter end with some dignity. But she was still scared out of her wits. Of course there was a crack in this facade when Parum entered the tent and saw Cyanwrath himself. [color=7ea7d8]"Oh... Big guy."[/color] She tried to play off her surprise as a mere curiosity, but the fact Cyanwrath was here made Parum lose hope. At least if it was just Morndath she could potentially lie long enough to make a plan for everyone to break Brannor and Leosin out of here. But with Cyanwrath, those chances were going down the drain very quickly. Morndath started off politely enough, though stern as expected for a cult leader. But Parum didn't need to look to know that when she heard some footsteps behind her, it was her cronies making sure that none of them tried to do anything funny. Even with Cyanwrath's presence here, the extra guards pretty much ensured that no one in the group could get away easily. At least Morndath asked Parum directly, allower the halfling to work her magic. [color=7ea7d8]"Well, color me surprised. Honestly I figured an outfit this large wouldn't notice a few sellswords swinging blades for them. You guys are more organized then most bandit crews I've been in. Anyways, my name is Parum, and I was looking to join this army of yours."[/color] Parum didn't want to deviate from the idea that Parum was on their side. If she acts negotiable, maybe selfish even, Morndath may write her off as simply a greedy soul looking to make easy money. The types they ran across in the forest certainly seemed to fit that bill. [color=7ea7d8]"I suppose you'll be wanting to know some other basic things too. How we found you, how we captured that champ, who the rest of my men are. I'll give that to you for free: We saw the fire and the dragon and figured something interesting was afoot. We saw the fight between your champion and Greenest's, and after that it was just a matter of following your army."[/color] Not entirely a lie, though of course Parum left out the details. Parum started explaining how they "captured" Brannor as well. [color=7ea7d8]"The guy we captured got into a fight with some of your soldiers it seemed, they had kobolds with them so I assumed they were with your army. We let him fight himself out against your men, and before he could finish them off I had the orc and the old man take him out. We questioned your soldier, who seemed to desert by the way might want to look into that, and figured out where your camp was."[/color] This was entirely a lie, but Parum made sure to speak with confidence and not a single moment to stutter. Sure, Morndath could believe that Parum had been rehersing this speech, except that Parum made it up on the spot. [color=7ea7d8]"Seeing that you just lost a few soldiers to the prisoner we captured, I figured that me and my crew here could just replace the dead ones, and hopefully get a reward for the champ while we're at it."[/color] [hider=Rolls] Deception to Bluff Morndath = [url=]15[/url] [/hider]