[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ijNj7u3.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24][i]'OK, you're in. That's as good a start as we can get,'[/i][/color] Noah Acosta thought to himself, as he entered through the front gate and followed everyone else to the assembly hall, [color=ed1c24][i]'Now just don't blow it at the last second, and panic over something[/i] dumb[i]...'[/i][/color] ... Truth be told, Noah was surprised that he made it [i]into[/i] Chihaiten Academy. All four of the other Hero Schools that he tried to get in had turn him down for the same reason every time; while his written exam entries were more than passable, his lack of control over his Quirk proved too much of a liability for the other students. That's what he was told over and over again, and it was a valid point. Noah knew little about how exactly his Quirk worked, but he knew the damage it was capable of should it have gotten out of hand. So why, then, was someone like him accepted into Chihaiten? He could only think of two possibilities: either their standards were that low that they'd accept someone despite them having flaws that one [i]could not[/i] afford to overlook, in which case there was little wonder why they were considered "the bottom of the barrel" in terms of Hero Schools, or they somehow knew that he had a court order to report a successful admission or have his Quirk taken away, and had reached out to him out of pity. Noah supposed he shouldn't think too much into it and get on inside already. In any case, Noah clambered his way through the masses, zigzagging through people as he tried to find somewhere in the area where he was supposed to sit. No doubt that he had to make all sorts of apologies along the way. There was one especially awkward moment where he bumped into the side of one of the taller students, having paid way too much attention ensuring he was in the clear from those he already passed, and absolutely none at looking where he was actually going... until it was too late to do anything about his course. [color=ed1c24]"Crap..."[/color] he muttered, realizing his blunder the instant he made it, [color=ed1c24]"Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you, it's just... Look, I'm just trying to find a seat like everyone else, and there's way too many people here and... apparently I can't avoid [i]everyone[/i]."[/color] Noah scoffed at how pathetic he must've sounded. He hadn't even dared look up and meet the taller student's eyes. He could only pray that they would have mercy on the failure that would've stood before them.