[@Muttonhawk] oi cheers mate If you look carefully at the graph, you can actually see exactly when I had my exams. Needless to say I didn't study all that hard for them, so... don't follow my lead. >.> From what I know of Cloud Atlas, Into the Dust Descend is not so much like it and more like Tim Winton's The Turning. The stories aren't arranged in linear fashion and the plot definitely doesn't link up. The connections are more singular 'oh shit I recognise that!' moments. One of the standalones only connects to the 'main' continuity through a single word that pops up later, for example. If you want to give NaNo a shot, one way to do it is to set yourself a personal target smaller than the goal. My first year I aimed for 30k at 1000 words a day, and made it, and felt amazing, even though I was way off the usual goal. IT WAS STILL HARD THOUGH DON'T NEGLECT YOUR EXAMS [quote=@Slime] [@Antarctic Termite] I want to read The Human too. [/quote] :( I'll get it to you guys once I've sorted all the short stories.