Nori made herself comfortable at a nearby table and began "washing" the playing cards. She was careful not to get them in her sleeves. She was scared she wouldn't get a clear reading and doom an entire kingdom, but the prince would be waiting. There was no time for mistakes. She stopped shuffling, took a deep breath, and drew the top three. [img][/img] Nori chewed on her lip. She could tell the truth and most likely continue the war, or she could lie an make things appear better. The second option sounded good at first until she realized that if she lied and the events came true, she would be killed for going against the prince. Neither option looked good. Either the truth would continue war and the lie would get her killed. Norix took a deep, but shaky breath. She had decided on the truth. "The first card is a near future, the second a medium, and the last a far future. The two of spades, there will be bad luck in this future. Do not rely on others, you will only be let down. There will be opposition from friends and family. The five of diamonds, you will prosper, gain a long enduring friendship, have pride in your family, and success with children in this future. The eight of spades, this future will bring a sense of desperation and a need for money. In summary, you will gain from this agreement but bad luck, disappointment, a friend, a child, and monetary debt."