[h2]Bawen Coridell[/h2] Bawen sat patiently in the girls grip, making no real movements outside of the occasional shifting of his weight for comfort. If she was going to continue slapping him, he was at least going to give her the courtesy of being sure footed when she did so. He was just about ready for the next strike when something flashed across the girls face, his words finally seeming to have register in her mind. Anger still seemed to roll off of her if soft waves, though now tempered by something. It was an odd change, though one he scarcely had time to analyze before he heard someone behind him demand his release. The girls eases for a moment and Bawen almost considers simply stepping out of her way as something (presumably the speaker) drags him backwards with all the force of a child winning a game of tug of war over a stuffed toy. Momentum carries the sheep boy farther than intended, planting him ass first back into the chair he came from. It took him a few moments to realize the boy he'd been sitting with had decided to intervene, now close enough to the human girl that he was pretty sure they could smell each others displeasure if they so choose. Anxiety shoots through the chimera's mind for a second, worried the two humans might come to blows. Not helped that he couldn't figure out the reason for the boy's interference. In so far, the girl had done nothing Bawen considered wholly unreasonable. Unexpected, to be sure, but she was well with in her rights to-[color=f26522]"But if you wish to harm someone for the misplaced views he espouses, I ask that you do so with me."[/color] And like that, a realization sets in, followed swiftly by mild irritation. The boy seemed to be under the very false impression that he needed to be SAVED from the girls grip. He was about to stand back up and gently reassure the boy that, despite what his bleeding heart might be saying, that everything was fine when the tall shadow of a third interruption loomed into his vision. Thankfully, it was just a chimera, with a bloodline so thin he almost looked entirely human. Under normal circumstances, Bawen wagers he would be feeling somewhat envious of the boys good (human) looks. But then again, under normal circumstance the other chimera probably wouldn't be glaring at the sheep boy with enmity to burn a hole in the ozone. The girl, who looked decidedly over with this conversation the moment the other boy rushed her, slinks away to safety and the sheep chimera was tempted to go with her. However, it was probably best to deal with the remaining two boys first. The devil looked to be out for blood and Bawen couldn't risk the human doing something stupid for his sake. [color=#00FFFF]"I can assure both of you..."[/color] He says, his voice sounding less hallow than before as he stood up, cutting an immensely less impressive figure than the other two. [color=#00FFFF]"That I do not need nor want anyone to fight my battles for me. Not that there is any to be had at the moment."[/color] he said, stepping to the side of both of them and giving the human a polite but terse nod. He then turns to the devil, locking eyes with the other one of his 'kind' before continuing in a harsher almost scolding tone. [color=#00FFFF]"And even if I did, I do not think I need to remind either of you that fighting or using magic outside of the arena or classes is a practice best reserved for idiots looking to face disciplinary action."[/color] he says, lamely raising a finger to point behind the devil at the steadily advancing staff member. [@hagroden] [@pkken] [@FlitterFaux]