[hr] Several messages later, Shion decided to simply stream a video to her original self instead of trying to describe the unfolding battle. Shion stared in rapt attention at the battle, no, the [i]lynching[/i] on her screen. As she watched this "Minnie" girl be attacked from all sides by the other magi, new messages appeared above the video one at a time, leaving her the chance to read them as they came in. [color=0076a3]\\\[/color]Not sure how that was missed< Seems to be a pirate (?) ship in the air< Descended then ascended again with water user< Presumably belongs to her< Unknown why she left< Her original self quickly jumped onto the roof of the small room that led to the roof she was on and looked in the direction of the train station. [color=0076a3][i]Huh. So there is.[/i][/color] She quickly brought a handheld telescope from the bag of supplies that she had bought in her time as a magical girl to get a closer look. It was definitely an outdated water vessel of some sort and "pirate" seemed to fit perfectly. She couldn't make out any details of the people on the deck, but she could see the one closest to the center suddenly move towards another. She quickly got into the routine of switching between looking at her phone and looking at the ship. It was only a few moments later that the other Shion at the scene sent a new message. [color=0076a3]\\\[/color]"Minnie" seems to have died from that attack< Suggest that Shion$ continue filming< [color=0076a3]\\\[/color]Agreed. Having just seen the killing blow to the "Minnie" girl, Shion turned her attention back to her telescope just in time to see a girl appear in mid-air just barely within her sight. [hr] Shion was lost. She followed her targets to a local hotel, but lost sight of them after they entered. Wandering around the hallways she took note of the entrances and layout of the building on her phone's video. She heard a loud crash from the floor above her and went upstairs to investigate. [hr] Makoto stared through her hotel window at a small speck in the sky. She couldn't see it, but she could [i]feel[/i] the distortions in spacetime coming from that direction. As she stood staring at it there came a sudden explosion, seemingly from whatever the speck actually was. [color=f26522]"Did... Did I do that?"[/color] She quickly turned towards a nearby radio-tower and attempted to replicate her stare from a moment ago. After thirteen-point-zero-zero seconds she simply gave up and returned her attention to the now descending speck on the horizon. Her marker hadn't begun reacting so she knew that whatever it was, her friend wasn't in danger from it. None of her instincts other than curiousity were firing either, which she could only interpret as whatever those fluctuations were not being important to her Patron. Makoto put another two acorns in her mouth and began chewing, but to little affect. She was getting [b]hungry[/b] again... [hr] Shion winced as she heard a much larger crash come from somewhere outside. Hoping that nobody would come by to disturb her, she had crouched down on the stairs to the highest floor and was recording the hallway when it happened. The strong urge to check in on her other clones quickly faded when she realized that the most likely cause for the noise was the train-station. There were already two Shions there, a third was unlikely to be of any help.