Neil suddenly felt a chilling sensation coarse through him, now aware that every pore of his being was immersed in liquid biochemicals designed to keep him alive while freezing him nearly indefinitely if there was need. He felt extremely weak, and not for the first time did he gain the painful realization of just how frail the human body was. He was nothing more than meat, bone, grey matter, and the right piping that kept it flowing, now dependent upon a machine for survival. He shuddered and coughed, feeling the tube down his throat pumping air in him while the water drained. He began to feel fiery stabs all through out his body, the blood returning to its normal routine. He groaned, and then suddenly felt very heavy and weak as his body lay prostrated. Once the restraints were unlatched, he pulled the tube out of his throat and gagged, spitting up some fluid before blinking, his voice hoarse. "Man." The young man blinked, trying to see into the light and now wondering just why everywhere else was dark. For a moment, he couldn't see Junebug's face behind the light and thought some colonial marines from a patrol had come across their ship, in which case he'd tell them to leave and he'd get back to sleep. But that was just his head catching up with the fact there was [i]no light[/i]. "Sayeeda?" He asked, blinking once more and stepping out of the cryotube, trying not to stumble. The wound she'd patched up ached at his side, but it seemed alright. "Where the hell are we? What's going on?" He asked. When she inevitably caught him up on what she knew, that brought Neil's head quickly. "That is...problematic." Neil rubbed his head, matted hair still sticking to his skin. He coughed, realizing how stuffy the air was inside the Highlander. He also needed to put on some real clothes, a bit too disoriented to feel entirely modest at the moment, though his functions were swiftly returning. "We were heading toward the M6 Butterfly Cluster last I saw, but if the time's right we should be way past that now..." Neil shook his head, and looked Sayeeda in the eye. "I have no idea where the hell we are either." [@Penny]