A lone woman of the wood stepped amidst the trees in the calm night, her nimble feet navigating the low brush, fallen leaves and wayward stones alike. She followed no real path, no specific heading, rather just a sense of direction that was a magnetic draw upon her; the stars had fallen after all, one which fell to the earth here somewhere. It was not tonight, a few nights ago rather, but it was enough to reach out to her when she did see it for such a thing could not be ignored. Why else would a lone wanderer dare delve into the thick where only those now absent animals went, particularly in what amounted to the dark of night? A number of reasons was the truth there, not the least of which was that she was not so alone as she seemed at first. Revealed by watchful eye alone, a silhouette among the darkness and the night's shadows flitted about from time to time, following both along with her or in the very steps she took. These two things, both drifting like stalkers of the wood, did not upset the strange calm that had become of this place. The one in the same that had the outsider wondering what had so changed despite her obvious lack of belonging to this particular wood; her trappings of varied greens atop earthy leather armor was accented by a number of adornments from far away feathers to antler and horn, not all of which belonged to this forest. She certainly lived up to her namesake as a "wildwalker", that was for certain, and it was this quality that even drew her here to begin with, otherwise she would well have been content to keep to her land and that was not only because of her vivid elven blood. Yet the woman didn't, not for a moment and neither did her traveling company who shared the same adventure as her. With the brush of a hand, she swept her loose hair from her face and peered up to the stars above, now having found a tranquil place where they were not so obscured. She surveyed them for a time as if almost curious if they would change again as they had before. Perhaps indifferent, no other divine messenger had come across the sky and it was clear she needed to keep on with her travel, but not before a hand reached out to stroke the dark, furred thing that accompanied her. With a pat to its flank, she motioned slightly with her head to carry on and they well did. How long she went on from there she did not know, time to an elf was a strange thing, but she was certain it was none too long for it was still very dead in night, alive only with cricket song, a drifting and virtual sea of glowing insects and the most distant hoot of an owl. Things became more wild here, that much she knew, but it was not that which startled her - at least in genuine surprise. For soon she found a path, yet not just any path, but one that banked and branched, accompanied by two other travelers. One was a man-bird, something she had recalled but could not place what they were in name, the other was a woman in the trappings of a huntress with sword. She proved to speak with genuine and near innocent confusion, not truly aware enough as to what was transpiring if this was a decision she should be making or not as the shock of it, really its timing, was much too overwhelming for her to think clearly upon. "I... I though I was the only one here tonight." She said, surrendering her natural camouflage from among the brush and trees where she stood and as typical of any wood elf, even one as tall and as fair as she, seeming to almost fade from the woodland into view. [@Guardian Angel Haruki][@ihinka][@JBRam2002]