[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfTvuXs.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IIbr2Lj.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=lightyellow]"Wait, Zachary, you almost got killed when you challenged Geina to a shooting competition, remember?"[/color] Mercy and Alice had been silently listening to everyone else debating on the crime scene. The courtroom seemed alot tamer than the first time, so the recon hopped everyone could solve this case quicker. Said recon was also suprised to see Killgood actually establish the three rules she suggested, so she had to stifle a nervous laugh with a cough. [color=red]"Wow. First you commit a form of public indecency in the first trial, and now you're acussing the web designer of cheating on his girlfriend? If I didn't know better, I'd say you would fit in with the prostitutes of England old..."[/color] Alice mummbled under her breath, shooting a quick glare at Mary. With Daimyon and Noel mentioning the motive notes however, the recon changed her tone quick. [color=red]"Oh, that reminds me!"[/color] Alice exclaimed, turning to Mercy. [color=red]"Hey Doc, do you have our motive notes?"[/color] the recon asked. [color=lightyellow]"Uh yeah, do you want yours now?"[/color] Mercy answered, with the recon quickly nodding in reply. [color=red]"Well, if it's alright with Killgood for you to move..."[/color]