[color=0072bc]"Miss Teresa I welcome you to this meeting of ours. I am glad that you chose to accept our invitation here. If not we may have been much worse off without your help. You stand with Maxwell Anderson, Leon Winchester, and August Thane you may acquaint yourself with them if you choose. If not at least recognize your future allies if you chose to go through with this."[/color] Orson said as he getured around him pointing out when naming names. He made sure to speak clearly, and without hesitation. [color=fff200]"Don't worry about it lad. I'm just particularly specific about word choosing when it comes to another's life. Perhaps I came off to strong. Need not worry about offending me, I have thick skin. As for you Miss Teresa I hope that you're doing well."[/color] Anderson stated as he looked at his watch. [color=0072bc]"How much longer do you expect the others to take coming here?"[/color] asked Anderson to Orson who looked at his cell phone's clock before nodding and turning his head up at the others, [color=0072bc]"About ten to twenty minutes I would expect."[/color] Orson stated as Anderson nodded, [color=fff200]"Fair enough we shall wait then."[/color]