I've been wanting to do my quest somewhere. Short story long it is about the War of Purity headed by the Church vs the demon armies. We are all in the final stages of the war where we gather a group of warriors from different lands, heroes blessed by the power of the Goddess to protect us from taint and repel demons away. It doesn't work with all but most of them will steer clear of our group as we traverse through demon territory. We all also have a medallion that we can use to hide our presence when we want to sneak past the demonic creatures since as I said earlier the power bestowed to us by the Goddess is like a beacon. But the longer you keep the medallion active the more stamina it uses so we can't just sneak all the way to the throne of the Demon King. These were the basics of the premise. The whole journey starts in the kingdom of Alderan which is a citadel located in the outermost reaches of the free human occupied territories. That is where we all gather before the Queen who is currently leading the country instead of the King which is bed ridden with a serious illness. The Royal advisor, my character, will be the guide for the group within the Tainted Lands. But our departure doesn't go smoothly as we uncover the plot that is brewing within the kingdom which will ultimately bring its downfall if ignored resulting in a major loss for the free human territories group as they lose their main defense structure against the Tainted Land Armies.