[center][h2]Elias Joranis|In the aftermath[/h2][/center] As Sirka's voice came over the Comms that the Devaronian was down, Elias popped out of cover with both pistols as his second visor fell into position. [color=OrangeRed]"Hell, it's about time."[/color] The visor's sight mode switched to magnetic before highlighting targets and the gunslinger went to work. Another Devaronian came out from behind his cover to take a shot at the smuggler, only to receive a shot to his chest for his trouble, killing him instantly. Another pirate, this one a Weequay, managed to fire two shots from his rifle at Elias, who ducked and spun under the shots and put two in their owner, one in his head and the other in his chest. Elias quickly became an embodiment of death where he aimed, keeping the pirates behind the giant lizard focused on him. After a few more minutes, the remaining pirates broke and fled, many of them dropping their weapons first as they did so. The transport that had flown in, eager to steal the package, now left without it's ill-gotten cargo, the crew having apparently watched the firefight below. Elias, as the last Duros disappeared from the hangar helping a wounded human, raised his antenna mounted visor and sighed. [color=OrangeRed]"Well, that was a mess."[/color]