Jack put his tin whistle in his backpack. "That is alright, we all have our unique passion" Jack smiled. "I'd love to hear more about your enterprises. What do you do from day to day in your workshop??" Jack travelled much and was genuinely interested in other's stories. Now he followed Will to his home, wondering what it would be like to live in Hereford. Jack sometimes glanced at the arrows and bow in front of him. "Such a beautiful quiver, did you make it yourself as well?" He heard Will ask him about his travels, he instantly became in a trance state and began to talk about his journeys. "For starters I did not know I walked so far already, but I have to confess that I fell asleep at the back of a wagon yesterday.. I guess that's where I lost track, tee hee." While they were talking Jack breathed in the atmosphere of beautiful Hereford. It was nothing really new, because he had been there as a youngster. But alot had changed over the years.. Nature's finest trees, flowers, grass, animals, river beddings were flourishing as birghtly as the Sun. "....And then I travelled back to London to perform for the last concert with the 'Merlins'. It still hurts sometimes when I think about it. How I'd love to make music again... I feel that moment will come again during this lifetime." "Would you mind telling me something about your personal life?"