It had seemed like a dream come true. Getting chosen by special request is the kind of thing you only hear stories about happening to other people. After getting passed over for corporal by some bloody 'arse kisser again this seemed like one hell of a silver lining. Screw becoming a devil this was the kind of recruitment where you heard about eight foot inquisitor types taking you in. Granted a lot of the time those same inquisitors went on to burn the guardsmen they took away but Barrows wasn't thinking about that. He was thinking about the palace of a room he'd gotten on the ship! His own damn room! Not some hammock or bunk crammed in with the rest of the grunts and fart breathers. He had his own bed, with sheets and everything, he could even lie down on the floor and not get eaten inside out by whatever lived there. Barrows had really gone up in the world. Now he just had to dig in and hold onto his spot here, which shouldn't be too hard. A Catachan man was worth ten storm troopers and blue bloods any day. This was it, this was when all his years of bloodshed and murder paid off. Then the klaxons went off and a fraking flash bang went off in his face. "Bastard!" The Catachan barked as he wildly lashed out at the bodies that surrounded him. Fists went flying and Barrows' ego told him that he'd broken some noses or something in the fray, that or he'd punched flak armour because felt the familiar warmth of blood on his knuckles. Fierce as he fought though he went down in the end, being only human as he was. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cold was a rare feeling for a man born to tropical humidity, so when the blast of cold water woke Barrows from his daze it also shocked him into making a bunch of embarrassing yelps and grunts as his brain went mad trying to work out if it was dead or not. Once he'd recovered himself Barrows had time to feel ashamed and resolved to kill any witnesses to this low point in his life. [b]“Tell me who are you, where were you going, and what are you doing aboard this ship?”[/b] "I'm the man who's gunna shove this bag down your throat if you don't untie me right now, Sunshine!" Came Barrows' muffled roar through the black bag covering his shaved head. "Sp get to it so I can find your mother's house and give her something to hang her washing on!" His bindings still hadn't broken but that still didn't stop the musclebound trooper from straining at their limits and doing his damnedest to break free through brute strength.