[color=2E2EFE][b]Name:[/b][/color] Landon Milonas [color=2e2efe][b]Role:[/b][/color] Turk [color=2e2efe][b]Location:[/b][/color] Junon Residential District [color=2e2efe][b]Tags:[/b][/color] [@Tenma Tendo], [@Fuzzybootz], [@Sudkurve] (since he's a'spyin on us) [hr] As soon as the truck screeched to a halt and one of the hacker's buddies pulled a gun on him, Landon reacted in the only way that seemed 'right': He immediately made a fingergun with his metal arm and trained it on the driver who was pointing a gun at him. "You touch her and this trooper dies." Landon's attention was drawn to the other fellow, who had a gun trained on a Shinra Trooper and he sighed. Then he stole a glance at The Boss, knowing full well that she probably didn't care about this guy. It wasn't her style. Unfortunately for her, [i]he[/i] did, and in that moment, he formulated a plan. She'd hate it, but Landon's Pa had always told him that it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. He raised his robot hand and made a show that he was putting the 'gun' away. [color=#2e2efe][b]"Alright, alright... Let's not get jumpy."[/b][/color] He spread his arms out, relaxed, in an attempt to show that he wasn't armed and he was no threat. [color=#2e2efe][b]"We can end this without spilling any more blood, right? We want the boy there, and you guys want to get outta here intact, yeah?"[/b][/color] [i]Keep talking. Keep them at ease. Hostage Negotiation 101.[/i] One of the few non-combat lessons that Landon had actually paid attention to. [color=#2e2efe][b]"I'm gonna be straight with you guys: Hell's coming, and it's coming fast. We got about a half dozen more guys zeroing in on this location. Now, if you let me make a call, I can get them to go away and we can discuss this like good, rational people."[/b][/color] He pointed the index finger of his meat hand upward, toward his earpiece. [color=#2e2efe][b]"They'll only listen to me. I keep my guys on a short leash."[/b][/color] Having not heard any objections, he put his finger on the buzzer and did his best Short-Stack-acting-like-that-SOLDIER-Princess impersonation: [color=#2e2efe][b]”Pendulum. This is Landon. Call off the backup; we have things handled here.”[/b][/color] Then he turned to the driver and stated, [color=#2e2efe][b]”There. Now, let’s talk.”[/b][/color]