[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rBQ99TU.gif[/img][/center] Jezebel folded her arms behind her back and turned to face Zachary. Due to the fact that their podiums were side by side, They were a confortable speaking distance from each other. Jezebel could probably reach out and touch Zachary if she chose to. [color=lightblue] “Seriously? Zachary, take a chill pill.”[/color] The clown was still smiling. She folded her hands behind her back and pivoted her hips side to side. [color=lightblue] “You so told me about 'the incident' on the stairs before we saw Marianne's body. But like, why say that you left your arrows in your room? Was the fight you and Geina had that totally bad that you wanted to hide it from everyone?”[/color] She turned to everyone else and threw out her hands. [color=lightblue] “But I know Zachary totally didn't do it. The fact that he took the arrows outside means that everyone had access to them.”[/color] She whipped her hand out from behind her back and pointed at Calvin. [color=lightblue]“You hear that Baldwin #3? Baldwin #1 totally isn't hiding anything! And we can't confirm that you're not lying to save that zlint ass of yours!”[/color] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dNTpes5.gif[/img] [/center] [color=#F08172] “Um, wow!”[/color] Bliss started tapping the top of the podium with her hands. [color=#F08172] “Alright, so if Marianne was going to Shaun's room to discuss her note, it sounds like the motive notes might have held something incriminating against the killer.”[/color] She nodded and turned to face Killgood. [color=#F08172] “Could you put the light on them?”[/color] Monokuma let out a tired sigh. [color=Magenta] “Let's just wait for the authors of those letters to show themselves and move them around. This was there motive after all.”[/color] [b]”We're late! We fuckin' aren't! Sigh. Tee-hee! The queen is here!”[/b] All four carnage sisters charged into the room on horseback, weaving around the infinites. [b]”Just for simplicity's sake, we're going to put everyone's notes up on the jumbotron.”[/b] Willow announced most pleased with herself. [b]”We will display the notes, as well as who currently holds them.”[/b] the doll giggled. [b]“We made one note for each infinite in this killing game, save Aleecia. And because these notes took the place of your gifts, you can rest assured that no one received a note that described themselves.”[/b] [color=lightblue] “So like.”[/color] Jez cave the robot a sideways glance. [color=lightblue] “Could you also display who opened their notes prior to arriving in the court?”[/color] [b]”Hmm.”[/b] Willow scratched her head. [b]”I could, but as the queen-”[/b] [color=Magenta] “Do as she says before you embarrass the Killgood name further.”[/color] [b]”Y-yes!”[/b] And so, everyone presented their motive notes. As soon as they laid them out on their podium, they could see a large monitor light up with their name, if the note had been opened or not, and what the note actually read: [center] ICE (OPEN) They use a bow almost every day, but they are not an archer. BRADEN (OPEN) They have half as many eyes as a spider. NOEL (OPEN) They won't stop writing, despite all the fighting. KRISTA They still miss their phone. CALVIN (OPEN) They don't need an umbrella. ALICE (OPEN) They see the world through a camera's eye. FELIX Their flesh is a bit dark. CYRUS They're like a cat in more ways than one. DAIMYON They are the closest thing to a detective. MARY They see half as much as everyone else. MAX This dude looks like a lady. CAORA Their nose isn't really THAT long. BLISS They hide behind a mask, though not a conventional one. MERCY Is a voice for their non-living friends. ZACHARY If they give too much, they could die. JEZEBEL They wear an apron, but are useless in a kitchen. [/center] [color=lightblue] “Trippendicular...”[/color] Jezebel fret her brow. [color=lightblue] “But it looks like two notes are missing.”[/color] She turned to look at Shaun. [color=lightblue] “Did you forget to bring your note, or was that the one Baldwin #4 found?”[/color]