[@Leaves]At the moment all slots are full, but I'm considering opening up a second party for more choice after this mission ends. I'm also building another old forum game which I'm considering starting up, so I want to see how this mission goes since opening a second party will take longer between posts. I have some ideas about streamlining things a bit better though which will make things faster ;D Anyway, long story short, want me to ping you when slots open up again? Feel free to read along to get the hang of things, if you want. I'll draw Dick Grant when I get a bit more free time and we can get him polished up to your liking :D [hr][hr][b]Scare the Lawholder[/b], [b]Father C[/b] and [b]Hawkeye Harold[/b] are at full health and sanity. [b]Dan[/b] is down [b]1 Health[/b] and [b]2 Sanity[/b]. [b]Pastor Jimmy[/b] is down [b]1 Health.[/b] [b]Aaron Goldfeld[/b] is down [b]1 Health[/b] and [b]2 Sanity.[/b] [center][h3][b]Healing:[/b][/h3][/center] [color=cccccc]As a reminder, every time you heal another hero you gain XP.[/color] [indent][b]Bandages[/b] = Heals 1-6 Sanity [b]Whiskey[/b] = Heals 1-6 Sanity[/indent] [b]Characters with healing skills:[/b] [indent][@Duthguy]Dan - Home Remedies: Spend a Determination to heal between [b]1-6 HP damage[/b] to yourself or a nearby hero. You gain [b]5XP[/b] per wound healed this way.[/indent] [b]Preachers:[/b] [@rocketrobie2][@PrinceAlexus] [color=cccccc]You can spend your [b]faith[/b] to use your abilities. Your faith restarts at the start of your next turn, both in and out of combat. This means you guys have infinite healing, pretty much ;) You can choose to heal yourself or adjacent party members even when out of combat. You guys have:[/color] [indent][b]Faith Healing:[/b] For every Faith spent on the cost of Faith Healing, you may heal 1 Wound from yourself or an adjacent hero.[/indent] Updated map shortly~