[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zEZ8fcI.png[/img][/center] [b]Scare, the Lawholder[/b] and [b]Pastor Jimmy[/b] head deeper into the mine, ready to scout out the dangers within. [b]Aaron Goldfeld[/b] and [b]Dan[/b] shimmy up a bit, a little tired as they catch their breath from their first battle. [color=gold][b]Loot:[/b][/color] [@DeadBeatWalking] Is Hawkeye Harold spending a determination to reroll his gain of [b]50GP out of a possible 300 GP?[/b] (1 out of 6) [@rocketrobie2] Is Father C spending a determination to reroll his gain of [b]200GP out of a possible 300GP?[/b] (4 out of 6) [b]Movement:[/b] [indent][@Scarescrow][b]Scare, the Law Holder[/b] has [b]1[/b] movement left. [color=gray]Father C is out of movement. Hawkeye Harold is out of movement. Dan is out of movement. Aaron Goldfeld is out of movement. Pastor Jimmy is out of movement.[/color][/indent]