Kai nodded once and looked around at the others before he sprinted off in the direction of the scream. Kai ducked and threw his knives as he went. He got tackled to the ground once and ended up with a sizable scratch on his arm but managed to throw his attacker off once he stabbed him. Kai was working on pulling the water from the air in order to aid his attacks but he was still far off, needed a nearby body of water to get anywhere. He pounded through the forest until he came to a bit of a clearing and paused to catch his breath. It was quiet. Too quiet. He sighed and two daggers appeared in each hand. "Distraction. Damn Imps... I should be studying right now!" Kai yelled and was answered by cackling from all around him. With throwing knives Kai was able to take on multiple attacks at a time and who knew, maybe the leader was part of this attack and he could end this right now. He flexed his muscles, testing the strength around his ripped skin and prepared to fight.