[hr] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/b6eadec4c26b948d67409dc9ea12be8a/tumblr_nj2na0XdVo1rz8mvdo1_500.gif[/img][/center][right][i][sub][h3][color=000000]There's nothing more painful than a werewolf's bite.[/color][/h3][/sub][/i][/right][hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171114/b60289ce1fb10d2022c050016bc683e3.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/nUcKZKnQqeYrm/giphy.gif[/img] [color=781E03][b]Location;[/b][/color] Washington Square [color=781E03][b]Interacting With;[/b][/color] Alden Wright [sub][@Monacho][/sub] - Genevieve Alleron [sub][@Alfhedil][/sub], Blaine Moore [sub][@ihinka][/sub][/center][hr] Ambrosia's eyes gazed around the square in which people roamed from booth to booth, trying to take advantage of deals or to support the local businesses, but nothing was out of ordinary besides Ambrosia's discomfort spawned by the combination of the sunlight and the holy boon that enchants the square. Without any suspicious activity to be seen, Ambrosia got up from the bench and straightened out her dress, [color=9e0b0f]"Let's roam the square and play it off, then we'll make an earlier leave."[/color] "Are you sure, Mrs. Sanguis?" Mr. Edwards questioned. Ambrosia nodded, taking his arm before they began to roam around, her eyes still darting from person to person. She couldn't help but feel anxious by the unpleasant feeling that the enchanted field brought, but moreover, the unknown purpose for the enchantment made all feelings of unease come alive. Every other second it was as if the world was spinning for Ambrosia, bringing fatigue and exhaustion to the table of discomfort. Shaking her head to try to cast her building concerns away, she stopped at the petting booth and brought out a genuine smile at the sight of all the adorable puppies. Attempting to distract her mind from the growing pain, Ambrosia approached one of the volunteers. [color=9e0b0f]"May I pet one of the dogs?"[/color] she spoke as her eyes met with the blue-eyed, red-haired girl whom was adorned with their signature dog ears. Before any response, Ambrosia turned to the various dogs that gathered to look at Ambrosia, each one of them growling and giving an occasional bark with territorial manners. It was clear that the dogs sensed her dark presence that brought hostility and unease to the atmosphere. Without paying much attention to any response the girl would give, she gave a simple smile before walking away from the booth, Mr. Edwards still interlocking arms with her. She spoke to Mr. Edwards after going a short distance away, [color=9e0b0f]"Perhaps this enchantment is making my presence more apparent. We should take our leave now before things become worse."[/color] They made their way past the gathering crowd of people to set up chairs in preparation to watch the fireworks, Ambrosia wincing and shaking her head every now and then to try to overcome the piercing pain that grew stronger and stronger with each step. Once they made their way to the perimeter of the field, they were stopped by a girl's sudden scream that echoed through the open air. It was long and sustained, increasingly louder as the screaming girl came running towards the large crowd of people in hopes of some sort of protection. It was only moments before the constant chattering of people dimmed to properly observe the strange event. It took awhile for Ambrosia to gather herself from the distracting pain to look around and bring her attention to the girl that made her way through the crowd, only to fall at the feet of Ambrosia and Mr. Edwards. In this instance, it was not the assumed event of a drunken girl being an absolute idiot, but rather a girl fleeing for her life from a rabid wolf that made itself known in the growing crowd. The temperament of the wolf suggested that it could've strayed from the forest, but why would it come so far into civilization just to attack a girl that must've been running for quite some time? Ambrosia eyed the brown-colored wolf, the glow in it's eyes hinting at it's supernatural identity, but it was tinted with a black haze that clouded over it's glowing eyes. Shocked at the event, many people just watched before a chain of screams began to fill the air. Ambrosia hesitated as she watched the wolf gnaw at the helpless girl's calf before reacting. With a swift motion, she reached for her concealed pistol and shot the wolf right in it's shoulder to free the girl from it's harsh bite. The girl crawled her way towards Ambrosia as they all watched the wolf bark loudly, though it didn't approach. It stopped at the edge of the square, following the perimeter to meet a new prey as people scattered about. It wasn't long before a band of wolves followed behind this wolf, causing people to run about to try and seek protection somewhere away from this rabid attack. The pack of wolves that disbanded to seek out helpless victims to attack could've been easily counted up towards a dozen, or maybe more. [color=9e0b0f]"We're going to get out of here -- take the girl with us,"[/color] Ambrosia told Mr. Edwards, coldly, as she turned to him. Mr. Edwards didn't think twice to follow her command, picking the girl up to carry her bridal style. She looked at them in a panic with tears falling from her big brown eyes, only to stain her face with black mascara, "Please take me to the hospital!" Ambrosia gazed into the injured girl's eyes, narrowing her own eyes as she focused, [color=9e0b0f]"You'll be fine."[/color] The girl went unconscious within a matter of seconds as they stood within the grounds of the enchantment. The streets were nearly cleared of people, cars turning away from the square to get away from the sudden scene of confusion and bloodshed. There were many victims that lined the streets, nearly all of them bearing several bite marks and wounds that left them in a mess of blood and guts. It didn't take long before people crowded within the square and the perimeter of the enchantment was made apparent. Ambrosia began to brainstorm, speaking aloud to Mr. Edwards, [color=9e0b0f]"They won't enter the square. It must be the enchantment that's keeping them away."[/color] With a wince, she looked at the werewolves that infiltrated the streets before continuing, [color=9e0b0f]"I can't last much longer in this, we need to go. Hopefully there's a hunter or three that isn't afraid to fight so they can buy us some time."[/color] Ambrosia lead the way through the crowding people with a fast-paced walk, keeping one pistol in hand in case she would need protection, though she kept her second pistol that contained silver bullets stowed away to save for a more appropriate time. While passing through people within the square, she awaited a proper exit that offered a discreet opening to properly get around the various wolves that kept the people cramped and afraid within the square. Ambrosia halted at the sight of two individuals, both giving off a rather strong aroma, the mix between the two suggesting strength and danger, but Ambrosia, casting away any signs of danger that resonated from the pair, saw it as an opportunity for formidable protectors. The first attempt at compelling seemed as if she was taking a wooden stick to an iron wall, presumably due to the enchantment that greatly reduced Ambrosia's power, but there was a much stronger leading factor. Ambrosia eyed the woman of asian descent -- this particular target to compel was offering an effortless defense that really provided such a rigorous mind battle. Ambrosia let go of the attempt after several long seconds, without trying to perform any further attempts on the dark-haired, blue-eyed woman that stood beside her. This event helped to resurface Ambrosia's anxious feelings, assuming a defensive stance in case she was, now, dealing with opponents similar to the wolves that were attacking the square. Worried that they might identify her vampiric presence, this strange moment of shock was soon interrupted by an older man that stood on the lifted stage in the center of the square, booming a deep, 'Hello', into the microphone that caught the attention of nearly every individual within the square. He bore a big, heavy cross around his neck with a bible in his raised-hand. His thick, grey hair was styled and his black suit suggested that he was a priest. Ambrosia, living a long life within Salem, Massachusetts, couldn't recognize his face at all, despite the fact that she wasn't the type to attend church on a weekly basis. Though there were no real comparisons in stature beside him, it was clear that he was tall, broad, and strong, regardless of any physical traits that hinted at his older age. [b]"Fellow citizens of Salem, Massachusetts,"[/b] his English accent was as loud and clear as his deep-toned voice that echoed within the open air, [b]"What you are witnessing at this very moment is what threatens our beloved sanctuary, our home, and our society. For too long, we have lived behind a curtain of darkness in which leaves us surrounded by rumors, lies, and false hope for a safe future. This is only the beginning of a madness that has yet to reach your very doorstep."[/b] The sounds of police sirens seemed to overlap his adjourned speech before he continued, [b]"Come see me at St. James Parish if you seek answers -- and join me in a quick testament tomorrow night at eight o'clock -- pm."[/b] With that, he was gone from the stage in a matter of seconds and lost within the crowd of people. Gunshots were echoing within the air as colors of blue and red flashed through the dimming afternoon. The night was being welcomed by shock, death, and confusion. Everything began to tie together for Ambrosia -- the enchantment, the attack, and the man's speech. Was this a demonstration that would welcome in a chain of events to oust the supernatural realm? This very moment caused a chill to run up Ambrosia's spine, becoming fearful of what lies in the future. Was this to rid of the low-profile that the supernaturals successfully kept in an attempt to finally bring upon a war to lead in genocide?