[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ijNj7u3.png[/img] [b]Interactions:[/b] Midori Hamasaki ([@SilverDawn])[/center][hr] [color=C6E9C6]"Sharkfact!Sharkscandrownwhentheyarepulledbackwards!"[/color] Noah raised an eyebrow in confusion, unable to understand [i]anything[/i] that the girl he accidentally bumped into was saying. He wasn't the most fluent with Japanese... which was saying a lot for someone who'd been born in Shinjuku of all places, but the sheer speed at which the green-haired girl had yelled her quip didn't help. Noah felt really bad for startling the poor girl, and his expression changed from confusion to genuine sadness in an instant. [color=ed1c24]"I, uh..."[/color] he stopped himself short, reconsidering his choice of words before trying to address the girl again, [color=ed1c24]"A-are you OK?"[/color] Noah had no idea if what he was trying to say the first time around had gotten through to the girl. She did shout over top of the apology itself, and the vast majority of the rambling he did afterwards was in English, a foreign language to Japan that few natural-born residents could speak or comprehend. But this time he made 100% sure to speak in Japanese. He wasn't about to allow any type of language barrier stop him from getting across how sorry he was for [i]causing[/i] this whole mess.