For some of the students, getting into uniform was perhaps considered to be dressing up in a certain form. That was not the case for Yoshio Sanzo, who was trading his usual preened suits for a mere uniform. It didn't matter much to him, but it did make him wonder about the others around him. Chihaiten was not an elite school like UA, which made him wonder if he would stand out compared to a lot of its student base. It was hardly unheard of for less well of students to attend UA as well, but he always pictured it as the destination of choice for anyone with a mind for prestige, and those would no doubt be people in the same social circles he tended to travel in. It was for that very reason that he had decided against trying for UA in the end. Although he certainly had plenty of friends in high places, a few of which had claimed they would sooner die than accept a placement of lesser value than UA, Yoshio was one to appreciate a certain humility of circumstances. He did not aspire to be the greatest and most prestigious graduate there ever was, nor did he value his education so little as to dump himself in the trashiest school in the country, and so Chihaiten provided an appealing middle ground. Middle ground was something the Sanzos appreciated well. Yoshio was mildly surprised to find so many people chatting away spiritedly upon arriving in the hall. He tended to favor groups of much more low-key speakers, so he felt slightly out of his element here. The only time he spoke so fervently was when he debated politics or similar subjects, and those moments tended to be few and far between outside of discussions with his own father. Without a word, Yoshio assumed a seat in the hall. He would quietly await the start of their introduction to Chihaiten, after which his career as a professional hero could begin in earnest. He did not look it, but he could barely stand to await such a prospect.