[hider=Iona Murasaki] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2Kgf7KM.jpg[/img] [b][color=9932CC]Name:[/color][/b] Iona Murasaki [b][color=9932CC]Age:[/color][/b] 19 [b][color=9932CC]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=9932CC]Race:[/color][/b] Faunus (Urocyon cinereoargenteus (gray fox)) [b][color=9932CC]Weapons:[/color][/b] [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/369/350/large/tipa_-graphic-weapon-master-list-portfolio-03.jpg?1460901664][i]Eminent Domain[/i][/url]: Iona's pride and joy, this LMG emphasizes brute force per round over fire rate, firing large-caliber bullets that pack a devastating punch. Its advantage is its commanding firepower; its disadvantage is its restrictions on the Iona's mobility when in use, as well as the copious amounts of belt-fed ammo required to fire it. [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/covers/images/002/037/935/large/daniel-solovev-2-head.jpg?1456337918][i]Hornets[/i][/url]: Two dual-wielded submachine guns that have a very high rate of fire, the Hornets are designed to be used firing in different directions to cover enemies closing in from all sides. When the enemies get close, the SMGs can transform into their alternate melee form: one-handed combat sickles. As sickles these weapons are excellent for melee combat, and still have a decent reach via the extended, mini-staff handle and large diameter head that give them the same reach as a longsword. Iona always uses the Hornets in either form in tandem, unholstering both simultaneously after slinging the [i]Eminent Domain[/i] on her back. [b][color=9932CC]Specialty:[/color][/b] Iona excels at close to mid-range firefights, focusing on damage per second with her machine guns. She is useful for dispatching swathes of smaller Grimm as well as individual larger ones with sustained fire. Also a good source of suppressive/cover fire and a formidable melee combatant, Iona prefers to be in the thick of battle rather than assisting from the outskirts. [b][color=9932CC]Semblance:[/color][/b] [i]Sleight[/i] - Iona's speed at performing very short tasks, such as reloading, aiming, and evasive maneuvers, is drastically increased to superhuman levels. To the observer, her reload speed would be nearly instant, allowing for minimal fire interruption. This does not also increase her stamina however, and performing sleight manuevers repeatedly will wear her out. [b][color=9932CC]Personality:[/color][/b] Iona is not a soft-spoken individual. She doesn't speak too much, but when she does her voice [i]carries[/i]. This is partly because she has a naturally projecting voice and partly because she is a confident, competitive individual. Not enough to alienate her classmates, but enough for her to have a constant aura of having her eye on some prize that she needs to beat everyone else to get. She believes in herself, perhaps too much, which can cause problems when diving headfirst into dangerous situations. Fortunately she has learned to quell her Leeroy Jenkins tendencies...for the most part. Conversations with her are typically fast paced and devoid of small talk, as she would rather stick to her own thoughts than participate in idle banter. She has difficulty admitting fault, but is the hardest on herself when the fault is rightfully hers. In serious situations she demands perfection from herself more than anyone else, and whether or not that is because she believes she is the most capable of attaining it is anyone's guess. Her driven nature means she will beat herself up more readily than scold others, but if she knows she's carrying her weight...everyone else knows she knows as well. [b][color=9932CC]Color:[/color][/b] Eminence (purple) [b][color=9932CC]Emblem:[/color][/b] A mugshot-angle fox head flanked by diagonal sickles forming an X behind it. [/center] [/hider]