[i]"Eat their face," [/i] the voice in her head says in regards to the dockers at the ship. Rose simply shakes her head, rising to her feet and brushing herself off. Even with meditation, she could only handle so much alone time. She needed something to occupy her time. As she walked along, she ignored the several odd stares she received from passerby. She could only imagine what they found strange about her. Her eyes, her pet crow, or maybe even her strange black armor and hood. Whatever the reason, she did her best to hide the dismay from showing on her face. Her wandering eventually brought her to the market, which sent the voice in her head into a frenzy. [i] "EAT THAT FOOD. KILL THAT VENDOR. SURRENDER." [/i] Rose sighs, forcing the thoughts away. "That won't happen, and you know it." She takes Muglin off her shoulder to keep him from pecking her head more, instead placing him on her forearm and holding it out. He continued to try to peck at her head, but couldn't reach and instead looking ridiculous. She bites back another sigh, forcing back her frustration.