[hider=Old unedited characters from middle school] Name: Amy Dean Age: looks age 16 been a vampire for 65 years Gender: Female Race: Vampire Bio: Amy was born on February 23, 1930 in Savannah Georgia to Walter and Edith Dean. She was the youngest of three, an older brother Ronald and older sister Susan. Her childhood was relatively normal for being born at the beginning of The Great Depression. Her father had been a successful a reporter and her mother had been a housewife, but about 4 years after Amy's birth the financial problems in the house became unmanageable with dad loosing his job. Her father went to look for work elsewhere and her mother started working as a maid for the richer families in town. Money was tight but being a child in that time everything was normal to Amy. After the end of the great depression and the start of world war two, Amy was about 11 years old. Her brother was 17 and had enlisted in the army, after a year he died during battle. Her father became a coal miner in ____ sending money home. Her mother started working in the factories. Her sister got married to her high school sweet heart and shortly after started a family of her own. The war slowly ended in 1945 an life went on. Amy was 15 when she met the new kid Eugene Soderstrom. It was summer time when Amy develop a crush in the handsome guy, they became friends and in 1946 Eugene told Amy his secret. He was a vampire. Amy didn't believe him at first but she knew the truth when he showed her. Eugene wanted her to be a vampire with him so the could be together forever, Amy didn't want any of it, she stopped talking to Eugene and avoided him as much as she could. One night after the school dance, Amy was walking home when Eugene grabbed her by the arm said he had to leave town and that he wanted her to come with. Amy shook him off said no and that she was going to tell everyone about what he was. Eugene got angery and in a flash of rage he bit her and left her for dead. Amy became a vampire at the age of 16. She knew she could never be with her family again, so she faked her own death and left Savannah Georgia to find Eugene and get revenge. She has been looking for Eugene since but has given up on revenge. Ability: Pyrokinesis Other: Plays piano and violin. Loves art in all forms. Was looking for Eugene for the past 50 years but lately has stopped trying. -------------------- Name: Eugene Soderstrom Age: looks age 18 been a vampire for 106 years Gender: Male Race: Vampire Bio: Was born December 4, 1888 in Portland Oregon to Otto and Marguerite Soderstrom. He was the second oldest of 4 children Gertrude, Claude, and Esther. He grew up in a very wealthy family and was raised to be in politics like his father. When he was 15 Eugene developed Scarlet fever and almost died. After he was healthy again he decided that he never wants to die and no matter what he had to do he would make sure he would live forever. He study and read books on myths and folklore on immortality, he then discovered vampires, and after of a year of searching he found a real vampire that was willing to change him. After he became a vampire in 1907 at the age of 18 he found out the hard way, that life as a vampire was a sad and lonely life. He watch his family and friends age and die. For the next few decades he spent his life trying to find happiness, but it seemed impossible for him. In 1945 he was in Savannah Georgia where he met a girl named Amy. She was beautiful and Eugene decided to stay for awhile. He enrolled himself in the local high school and quickly became friends with Amy and some other kids in the school. In a short period of time he became a overly obsessed with the human girl Amy Dean, fallowing her around and so on. He wanted to be with her forever, because anytime he was around her he felt happier and not lonely, he loved her. One day he told Amy that he was a vampire, she didn't take it well avoiding him and ignoring him. Eugene stopped showing up at school all he did was watch Amy from the shadows hoping she would change her mind, but it seemed she got along just fine without him. That pissed him off a bit. Willa even went to the school dance with another guy, and that night as she was walking home he grabbed her a pleaded that he would go with him. When the word no escaped her lips he saw red and bit her. He had not been feeding for a long time, being to obsessed with stocking her. Eugene had drained almost all the blood out of her. Seeing as he had no other chose then to let her die, He turned her and left her there. For the last 60 years he has been trying his best to stay hidden from Amy but now he just wants to see her again. Ability: Teleportation. Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between. Other: Not exactly the most stable person. [/hider] ----------------- https://s3.amazonaws.com/cumpleanos/images/gallery/2017/1/rhys-matthew-bond/fotos-fotos-de-rhys-matthew-2.jpg http://wwwimage5.cbsstatic.com/base/files/cast/901cf39b52395968_salvation_cast_charlierowe.jpg [hider=Freshman][/hider] [hider=Sophomore] [hider=Zoe Greene] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-M-OJyc8TS7c/VapuaHiOr5I/AAAAAAAAWYc/mYG-vPeAAv8/w800-h800/elle-fanning.jpg[/img] [b]Zoe Alison Greene | Elle Fanning | 16 | Sophomore | Open | Heterosexual[/b] Zoe is definitely the stereotypical naive innocent Christian girl. She follows all the rules, and strives to be helpful and kind. She is known as a goodie two shoes Ballerina. She lives in a nice home with loving parents. Her father is a veterinarian, and her mother owns the local bakery. She was born and raised Christian, going to church every Sunday, spending two weeks ever summer at bible camp. She has always believed deeply in her religion. She has never done anything rebellious or illegal in her life, not even jay walking. Sometime she feels left out and alone in school, because while the other kids are experimenting, bending rules, and joining in the party, Zoe is left sitting on the sidelines. Outside of school and church, she is a ballet dancer. She was thrown into dancing shoes from the time she could walk. She made her family proud, winning award after award for her dancing. She was so good at ballet that the high ups in the dance world called her a prodigy. She had companies already scouting her at twelve. Her whole life had been dance practice, tutus, bare, more practice, and recitals. She’s always just skated by with barely passing grades, knowing that it didn't matter much since she was planning on joining a dance company as soon as she graduated, but all that changed after the car accident that she was in made it impossible for her to ever dance again. Her whole summer was spent in physical therapy, and mourning the loss of her Aunt Carol who had been driving. Nothing was worth more than dancing to her, but now dancing is not an option. She is questioning God, and her beliefs due to the accident. Why would her aunt? Why would He take away they only thing she loved to do, the only thing she was talented at? [/hider] [hider=Sylvia Teal] [img]http://www.tvequals.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Justified-The-Trash-and-the-Snake-Season-6-Episode-4-05.jpg[/img] [b]Sylvia Janine Teal | Kaitlyn Dever | 15 | Sophomore | Open | Heterosexual[/b] Sylvia doesn't believe in love. Sylvia’s parents got a divorce when she was seven years old. Her father quickly moved across the country, remarried and started a new family. What her father left behind was Sylvia, her older brother Roger, and their unstable mother. A few months after the divorce her mother began going through man after man. All these relationships ending in huge blowouts, and drama made for reality tv. Of these two dozen or so men, some were nice, but most were scumbags. Sylvia was nine when her mother’s then live in boyfriend snuck into Sylvia’s room and raped her. This abuse would continue for the next year, until her mother broke up with him to be with a new guy. Unfortunately this was not the first time something like this had happened to Sylvia, as a handful of her mother’s past boyfriends had also molested and abused her in secret. She was eleven when Roger walked in on a guy molesting Sylvia, and proceeded to beat the shit out of him. After a long bloody custody battle, their father won custody, and Sylvia and her brother went to live with him and his new family in Edgewater Vermont. Ever since then, Sylvia had been grateful for her new safe home. But her father who never really wanted Sylvia and Roger in the first place has made it clear he is the hero in all this, and he didn’t have to take them in and that if it wasn’t for his generosity they would be in foster care or still with their mother. Her step-mother Vanessa doesn’t like the reminded that her husband was married and had a family before her. She only treats Sylvia and Roger nicely in front of their father, but otherwise is very rude and passive aggressive. Luckily their half-brothers Dylan and Lucas are nice kids, though spoiled. Her best friend is Hunter Scott.[/hider] [hider=Darcy Donahue] [img]https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=29103292[/img] [b]Darcy Winifred Donahue | Sarah Bolger | 15 | Sophomore | Open | Bisexual[/b] Darcy’s story is a sad one. She was born the youngest of five other siblings. Her parents were not happily married, but as Irish Catholics didn’t believe in divorce, so arguments and yelling was what she grew up around. Darcy never really was close to her father, he was your typical misogynist with a huge ego and love of booze. Life was hard, but somehow her and her family got by, it was her normal. That is until one horrible day, changed everything. Darcy was playing outside one day when she was in third grade. A mysterious car pulled up to her and a man snatched her from the park near her house. Her mother had only looked away for a second to stop her brothers from fighting. Her kidnapper brought little Darcy to his house. He hid her in a locked basement, and it would take the police two weeks to find her. The things he did to her were so unimaginable that Darcy still refuses to talk about them, but the scars remain. When the cops busted in they found her tied to a bed in the middle of the basement, missing her fingernails, and with electric burns all along her legs. It was a media circus when she got home. Turns out the kidnapper had done this three times before across the country, except those little kids never were found. When she came home, she wasn't the happy girl they once knew. She was broken. The PTSD and depression took its toll on her and the whole family. Darcy was soon diagnosed with severe anxiety, PTSD, and major depression. Her parents separated a year later. The guilt, blame, sadness, and anger took over everyone in the house. After years of medication and therapeutic support, Darcy seems to be back on her feet. But she tried committing suicide in the seventh grade, and when she woke up in the hospital after having her stomach pumped, she didn’t remember the bad things anymore. Her mother decided a fresh start away from everyone who knew about the past was the best idea. So Darcy and her whole family moved from Albany NY to Edgewood Vermont. Now she is a sophomore in high school, with friends, and a part of drama club. Her biggest issue right now hiding the fact she is bisexual from her religious family. She knows that she was kidnapped, but she doesn’t remember, and she is happy not to. But will the memories of the past come back to haunt her?[/hider] [hider=Hunter Scott] [img]http://list.lisimg.com/image/1098820/500full.jpg[/img] [b]Hunter Nelson Scott | Luke Worrall | 16 | Sophomore| Open | Heterosexual[/b] Hunter is a dark soul. Ever since he can remember, life has been hard for him. Nobody treated him like an equal. He was bullied. He often fantasied about murdering his classmates, and his mother. But, instead of committing a school shooting of sorts, he closed himself off from the world. He rarely spoke to anyone, but when he did his words were often threats or laced with anger. He likes to think he chose to be a loner, but the truth is he had always been an outcast. There is tension between him and his mother. He has even admitted to her face that he hates her. His hatred for his mother was born out of her negligent parenting and the verbal abuse she constantly dealt him as a child in her drunken alcoholic rages. His father up and left when he was three years old, and other then paying child support has nothing to do with Hunter. He lost his little sister Ruby when their trailer burned down. His mother had been gone all day and night drinking away at the bar, when faulty wiring caused a fire, unfortunately little five year old Hunter was not strong enough to get his baby sister Ruby out of her crib. His mother blames him for his dad leaving, and the death of Ruby. She blames him for everything that goes wrong. His mom use to be a stripper but has since lost her youthful looks, and now works as a waitress at Coco’s Diner. He hates Edgewater with a passion. He hates the people, he hates the town, he hates the places, and he hates the fact that he is stuck here. He pass times involved vandalizing the school, cherry bombing mailboxes, and doing many other illegal things. He landed himself on probation two months ago after getting into a fight with Owen Cooper his long time enemy. He got hooked on cocaine and weed at the early age of ten. These substances became the only thing that kept him at ease, and feeling alive. Due to the probation, he has had to stop his drug use or risk going to juvie. Unfortunately for Hunter, it seems as though his probation officer, Officer Adler, has something against him. Hunter is convinced that nothing good can exist in this stupid town, except for Sylvia Teal. He and Sylvia have been best friends since the beginning of 6th grade when Sylvia moved to Edgewater. She is his only friend. He has allowed her to break through his walls. Sylvia knows how to deal with fucked up people, and he is pretty fucked up if you ask anyone. [/hider] [hider=Will Costa] [img]http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/2404583/557full-asher-book.jpg[/img] [b]William Joseph Costa | PB | 17 | Sophomore | Open | Heterosexual[/b] Will was for the most part a pretty normal guy. Growing up, he switched between houses since his parents were amicably divorced. He was close with his younger siblings Annie and Thomas. When his brother started to get involved with the wrong kinds of people, Will was there to bail him out and make sure their parents didn’t find out. However one night his brother took it too far. Thomas was supposed to make a quick drug deal, but he got caught. Will however, took the fall for his brother and was arrested and put into a group home for two years. Since his release he has been living at his dead beat cousin Carlo’s apartment. As neither of his parents wanted a criminal drug dealer to be living with them, or to corrupt their other children. Will feels that he is a screw-up. That’s what he’d always been known for after he got arrested, and that’s what he’ll always be known as. He can’t seem to do anything right. He tries and he tries over and over again, but nothing ever goes his way. Nothing ever happens, and no one seems to care. He’s not made fun of or bullied, and he has some friends, but he’s just feels so alone. And though he is pissed at his parent for abandoning him, he would do anything for them to take him back. He doesn't have anyone who truly cares about him. His friends don’t take much notice of him, and the only relationship he’s ever been in, is the one with his hand. Honestly, Will has given up. He knows for a fact by now that no matter how hard he’d work at something, he’d still fail. So now he is the epitome of a slacker. He chooses not to care about anything. At all. He has no clue what he’s doing with his future. He gets horrible grades. He’s not ready in the slightest for the SATs. He doesn’t do any extracurricular activities. And now he is just the funny guy, who got held back a year, and has no future. Meanwhile his brother Thomas is back to his criminal ways. [/hider] [hider=Theo Bourne] [img]http://cdn3-www.comingsoon.net/assets/uploads/2017/03/israel-broussard-e1489619227527.jpg[/img] [b]Theodore Alexander Bourne | Israel Broussard | 16 | Sophomore | Open | Heterosexual[/b] Theo’s a mystery wrapped in an armor of contradictions. He was raised by a single mother, and his father took off before he was born. He has never really known much about family, other than his mother’s parents disowned her for being pregnant out of wedlock. Even though he loves his mother, he resents her for always taking off with random boyfriends and leaving him to fend for himself. His mom is not abuse, just air-headed, selfish, and gullible. He learned from an early age to be tough, and how to relay on himself. He figured that if he didn’t care about anything, then nothing would ever bother him. He slacks off in school, sometimes barely bothering to attend. Despite this, he could be at the top of his class if he tried. He loves to read, and history is his favorite subject. After his mother ran off with a boyfriend, and was gone for over a month, the landlord came knocking for rent, and found Theo on his own. Thus he ended up in foster care from age twelve to fourteen. His foster parents the Bradshaw’s still keep in touch, and he misses them. They were the epitome of a warm and caring family. Theo had started hanging with the bad crowd. He did’t particularly like them, but they kept him out and about, while his mom has her boyfriend’s over. It seems her maternal instincts kicked in though, and she sent him to Edgewater to live with his rich stuffy grandparents in the hopes of setting him back on the right path. And possibly making her way back into the will to inherit. Small town life isn’t appealing to Theo, with his sarcasm and brooding demeanor. Will he meet someone in Edgewater worth caring about? Adjusting to small town living, and being wealthy for the first time in his life is strange. His grandparents are difficult to say the least. They have rules, and expectations that he has never had to deal with before, and frankly they are getting on his nerves. He is the new kid this year, but has been in Edgewater for the last two months since his mom sent him over. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Junior][/hider] [hider=Senior][/hider]