[hider=Caradras] [img]https://cdn03.bethesda.net/forum/uploads/91f1b54e-756e-4e59-a848-5d27c74c348b.jpg[/img] [/hider] The Dark Dragon himself, ruler of all Fellmore. Though he is egotistical, he's not quite the "evil incarnate" some make him out to be. He believes that humanity, in fact, is the evil incarnate, and that while there may be a few good ones here and there, on the whole, they are an evil race better off destroyed. In his own mind, he is the savior of the world and the hero of his story. Given our propensity for destruction, he's not entirely wrong... While he's not exactly merciful toward humans, he can be reasoned with. However, he is considerably more gracious and merciful toward non-human species. The orcs and goblins often report that he's unbelievably forgiving, especially considering the wretched masters they used to serve, who'd have no problem killing them for the slightest offenses. For the first time in millennia, the disparate monstrous civilizations of the north have buried the hatchet and come together as friends, and they have Lord Caradras to thank for it. ___________ [hider=King Alexander Dragan] [img]https://elwiki.net/wiki/images/4/4b/Solace5.png[/img] [/hider] The Dragan Empire was originally named for the army of dragon riders who conquered it so many years ago. Alexander is the latest in a long line of human kings descended from the first dragon rider, and he's one of the better ones to take the throne. He first made his mark on history when he led a daring night raid against the western Bandit Lords and captured them with minimal losses. His policy of racial discrimination against non-humans, while popular, has been a source of constant strife within his borders. Some say he's driven by spite or vengeance because his mother was murdered by orcs before his very eyes. Despite the controversy, his reign has been a relatively prosperous one until now. __________ [hider=The Black Knight] [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4370/36388669272_c3bd29730c_c.jpg[/img] [/hider] A mysterious elf wearing the Armor of the Ancients who works for Lord Caradras. During a Fellmoran assault upon King Dragan and his elven allies, the Dark Dragon's hide was pierced by the knight's black blade. The mighty dragon and the knight lit up the earth for miles with their fiery duel, ending in a draw that left both combatants exhausted. Some time after the battle, Caradras sought out his opponent, and instead of killing him, he offered him a job as supreme commander of his armies. The elf accepted, and has been his most trusted ally ever since. Most of the Black Knight's power comes from his unique armor, an ancient powered battlesuit that grants tremendous strength and supernatural agility to its wearer. It cannot be damaged except by the most powerful magical weapons. The wearer himself is highly skilled, able to best Caradras' greatest duelists even without the armor. His blade, the Erengard, is imbued by the Immortals of old with a Durable Edge, a blade that cannot dull or break and never needs sharpening.