[center]Maya felt the 'tank' lurch, turning her faceplate forward. She was one of the S.C.A.R.E who wouldn't take her armor off, since boarding with the coffin. A lot of them trusted it. [color=D87093][i]You ain't catching me dead near that thing without some kind of protection.[/i][/color] Val and Waldvogel had been assigned to making sure the casket [i]stayed completely shut[/i] and if that task were to somehow go awry the edict was [i]waste the fucking thing and close the goddamn box[/i]. She was on edge, that much was for sure. Luca had come through her comm, during the process of stuffing a half-mangled mess of man into the unkind sarcophagus. [color=87CEFA][i]Maya,[/i][/color] he had said in his disgustingly fluid, disgustingly friendly way; she knew it meant something bad for her, just not [i]how[/i] bad, yet, [color=87CEFA][i]another assignment has trickled its way to my hands. Your ears only.[/i][/color] That stank of a mission no one else was supposed to know of, but the verification was sent directly to her HUD...courtesy of Blackthorne's constant vigilance; obscuring her vision for the barest moment as she read it over and swiped it away, accepting with a heavy sigh. [color=87CEFA][i]It seems things are quite different than they were three years ago, yes?[/i][/color] Commander Wyrick hung up on him, her orders memorized. [color=D87093]"Mataraci,"[/color] the usual driver, who turned only slightly at the sound of Maya's voice, [color=D87093]"drop me off near the New Steel Memorial Hospital. They've got some fucking patient me and Val need to check out."[/color] She sighed, sitting back against the stark rise of the seat; quite clearly made for those well above her height.[color=D87093] [i]Don't see why the fuck it has to be us.[/i][/color] Her eyes drifted to Val, their usual sharpness dulled for the girl. Maya Wyrick did see and she saw all too well. Trouble was waiting for them, there. [color=D87093][i]If that report's right...Val's not the only one.[/i][/color] Thoughts of scalpels and Luca's smiling face flitted through her mind. She didn't shudder, but she brought her eyes from Val's knees. The 'tank', a heavily armored vehicle provided for the S.C.A.R.E in their moving moments, chugged along. Unimpeded now that the streets had been mostly clear. Meeting this thing that was her little sister's eyes, Maya gave a soft smile and finally spoke. [color=D87093]"Hey, kid. You did good getting that freak into the bag,"[/color] her fingers automatically trailed to the pistol sitting at her hip, eyes drifting back, [color=D87093]"Now we got something else to handle. No weapons, this time. Just me and you...and some scared bitch in a hospital bed. She might be..."[/color] Maya Wyrick, veteran of a thousand skirmishes, hesitated in the face of [i]Valkyrie[/i] and the truth she needed to know; opting instead to stare at the non-windows. [color=D87093]"she might be like [i]you.[/i][/color]" It was a heavy statement, made casual by delivery. [color=FF1493]"Let's hope for her sake that she isn't. I wouldn't feel so [i]special[/i] if there were another."[/color] There was a nervous sort of sarcasm in her voice, she noted. Maya gave a derisive snort, tilting her head back and letting the small thunder of her laughter roll for a moment. [color=D87093]"That isn't anything to worry about, Val; she wasn't raised S.C.A.R.E. Whatever she is, we've been passed down an order to deal with it,"[/color] her eyes moved behind their encasing, her neck twisting to produce a pop along her spine. [color=D87093][i]She's worried,[/i][/color] and Maya Wyrick couldn't blame her. [color=D87093][i]Val's my responsibility, can't have her moping over some latent abomination.[/i][/color] With trepidation, she left herself partially defenseless; removing her helmet and giving Val a soft smile. The commander shook her head, letting the weight of the armor fade. [color=FF1493]"Besides... These headaches get to me sometimes. I can't even read when they start."[/color] Maya's words echoed within her jumbled thoughts, as she tried to maintain a collected visage amongst her peers. [color=D87093][i]"She might be like you."[/i][/color] The words caught Valkyrie off guard, sending a cold shot of worry through her chest, before she slowly exhaled and calmed herself. She stood up in the back of the tank, placing her boot on the edge of the coffin and pulling her side arm from it's holster, placing it on the weapons rack alongside her rifle. [color=FF1493][i]No weapons, huh... None seen is as good as none, right? If she [b]may[/b] be like me, that means she may be close, but different. The infection could be rooted more deeply, and I doubt it's suppressed the way mine is.. Could manifest. No way we need to go in there without something to protect us..[/i][/color] The S.C.A.R.E Commander watched her charge's face from behind a feigned veil of joviality. [color=D87093][i]From worried to pure business. That's the Val I know,[/i][/color] Maya stood, making her way to stand beside her little sister; foot propped on the coffin's top when she stopped. She leaned forward, looking up at her companion. The tank rattled, Mataraci letting them know that their stop was coming up in his usual fashion. [color=FFDEAD]"Last stop for Maya and Val, New Steel Municipal Hospital,"[/color] he laughed, over their comms, in a good mood as always, [color=FFDEAD]"not sure why you two're stoppin' here, but it's probably 'bove my paygrade."[/color] He turned, one of those comfortable without his armor, and eyed them both. [color=FFDEAD]"Still my lips are sealed and whatever sick litle kid's day you're gonna make is jus' [i]heartwarmin'[/i]."[/color] Maya turned, fixing Mataraci with a glare; unhappy with his creole humor. [color=D87093]"Shut the fuck up, Mataraci. Me and Val are here because we [i]have[/i] to be, not because it's that much fun,"[/color] she slid a small ceramic pistol into the neck of her armor, taking what remained off with care, quickly free of her station and in her 'off-duty' clothing. A black tank-top, fitting given their method of travel...though Maya knew little about why the garment had its name, and a pair of sturdy boots. [color=D87093]"Now, open the doors. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to."[/color] Valkyrie sighed. She didn't want to be here, either and was worried for the girl they were going to report on. She chose to leave her spring loaded boot knives in place along with the magnetic bracelets the engineers from Blackthorne had outfitted her with on her twelfth birthday. She didn't have to use them often, but they were her favored fallback when conflict was too close for her rifle. [color=FF1493]"Alright, big sis.. Is that all the info you've got for me? It's not a lot to work with.. I'd feel a lot more comfortable if I felt more prepared.."[/color] A voice, happy and simultaneously tormenting would drift over Maya and Val's private channel. [color=87CEFA]"Hello, fair ladies of S.C.A.R.E! I've come across some more information!"[/color] Maya let loose something close to a growl and [i]politely[/i] asked how Luca D. Beak had come across such information. [color=87CEFA]"Oh, try as they might! Interrupt my work as they might, Blackthorne Medical and Munitions has rarely been able to keep a secret from me!"[/color] [color=D87093][i]If this was supposed to be a secret; what the fuck are we doing here?[/i][/color] Maya put that question to Val, without saying a word, only with a lift of her eyebrow and a falling of the corners of her mouth. She knew the look as soon as she saw it, along with what it meant. [color=FF1493][i]Oh, the tangled webs they weave.[/i][/color] [color=87CEFA]"Originally, you were intended to observe the problem. Now you're being asked to bring the problem [i]in[/i],"[/color] Luca seemed to be delighting in this turn of events. The tank sliding to a stop and Mataraci slowly opening the doors, oblivious. [color=87CEFA]"Remember, however, she is a unique Specimen. One to be...treated kindly."[/color] [color=FF1493][i]As if you of all people has a clue what kindness is.[/i][/color] [color=D87093]"Oh what the fuck [i]ever[/i], Mister Beake. You know as well as I do that this is a snatch-and-grab; and I'm not having it! Not in a public place! Not in a fucking hospital! The hell are the brass thinking?"[/color] An urging, maddening giggle came from the other end, Maya's patience worn thin, [color=D87093]"You want this girl brought back for your experiments and God-knows-what-else..."[/color] A loud laugh confirmed everything she feared and made her guts knot and Val's lower lip find its way between her teeth for a stifling bite. [color=87CEFA]"That's not your concern, Miss Wyrick. Nor yours, Miss Valkyrie. All that Blackthorne requires is that you accomplish your new goal...and without casualties. The updated information will be sent to your Internal HUD,"[/color] She could imagine Luca smiling, mocking her and everything she had done to get here...then came the final jab, [color=87CEFA]"[i]Do play nice, now.[/i]"[/color] [color=FF1493][i]I'll show that creep how ladylike we can be before sis gets the chance if he keeps on with that.[/i][/color] Val was normally a calm person, relatively speaking. But Luca D. Beake had a unique way of making her blood boil. She looked to Maya and gave a slight nod before jumping from the tank to the asphalt below, trying to shake the feeling of filth she associated with his voice. [color=FF1493]"C'mon. Ignore that idiot. I'll [i]play nice[/i] with him one of these days. That stinking little creature won't be able to resist giving me a good excuse too much longer."[/color] There was no love lost between Val and Beake. She'd always smelled rot around him and honestly prefered the stench to his demeanor. Val chose to take point up the door, having a habit of holding it open and watching Maya's six as she entered. They made their nearly sychronized long strides across the concrete to the front of the hospital, Valkyrie turning when cued by the mechanical hiss of the sliding doors and meeting her mentor's gaze. As she passed, Val spoke quiet and certain. [color=FF1493]"We shouldn't be doing this, sis."[/color] Maya nodded, her slight scowl and the cast of her eyes making plain to Val what others may have missed. She was trained at keeping her demeanor balanced, but the S.C.A.R.E, Val and Luca all seemed to be able to tell much about her moods. [color=D87093][i]I'd tear his fucking head off, if Blackthorne didn't have him on a leash.[/i][/color] She took a quick glance at the door as it slid shut behind them. Even in casual-wear she felt out-of-place. It was an unfortunate side-effect of her training and ambition. [color=D87093]"Yeah, Val, I know. We shouldn't."[/color] Her hands found their way to her pockets, striding beyond the desk and the people waiting in the large lobby. [color=D87093][i]Only a security guard,[/i][/color] she had relaxed, a little, surveying her surroundings and finding them without immediate threats, [color=D87093][i]I guess that means that Blackthorne hasn't hit this place, yet.[/i][/color] She briefly considered asking the receptionist about the presence of any conspicuous authority figures. [color=D87093][i]That wouldn't fly, though. Even if I tried to make it sound casual, I doubt me or Val could talk openly without getting people suspicious.[/i][/color] Her left hand came from her pocket, as they made their way to an elevator. It trailed along the exposed tail of her unsightly scar. [color=D87093]"It doesn't feel right, but we have our orders."[/color] Simplicity at its finest; despite all of the complications that could arise. The elevator door opened promptly, three nurses and a doctor stepping out and passing the two without a second glance. Maya walked ahead, by a pace or two, letting her hand drop. [color=D87093]"Our target is [i]Cecilly Roseberg[/i], currently in a room on the fifth floor,"[/color] she gave a glance over her shoulder to Val and then ahead to be certain that there was no one within earshot, [color=D87093]"She'll be in room five-oh-nine and without any posted guards. Way I understand it was orders came through to keep her relatively sedated. That should make things easy for us."[/color] Eyebrows lifted, Maya scanned the nearby doors. They had a moment to go, yet, before reaching the girl who sat at the center of an anomalous storm. One of many such disturbances that seemed to be kicking up in the final hours of New Steel City's lockdown. [color=D87093]"What won't be easy is getting her out quietly. We don't know all the details, either. There's a chance she's more like one of the things back at the Complex than she is you."[/color] [color=D87093][i]This better not get messy.[/i][/color][/center] [hider=]In collaboration with [@MordecaiThe 1st][/hider]