It was at that point that yet another person approached the crossroad. Although a strip of green fabric covered his eyes, he moved as if he could see the world as clearly as any other person. In his right hand, lay an orb that glowed as bright as a lantern and appeared to have an eye comprised entirely of blue light encased within it that moved from person to person, regarding them each with a speculative and unblinking gaze. Aside from that, the man was quite unremarkable. His simple traveling attire left him hard to notice, and his humble mannerisms left him easily forgettable. His name was Jacoby Drexlehand, and contrary to his appearance he was more than what he seemed to be. He was a servant of the heavens, but not in the usual way. He wasn't a cleric or a paladin who had pledged himself to a god. He was warlock who had entered into the service of 1 of the gods' underlings, a solar. And it was by the order of this solar that Jacoby was in the forest. Jacoby's patron oversaw the material plane on behalf of the gods. The recent occurrence of shooting stars had caught the solar's attention and the odd goings on in the place where the shooting stars were happening caused the solar to send Jacoby to scope out the situation. "Good evening to you all" Jacoby said in a friendly manner "I hope I'm not interrupting anything...Unless this happens to be a robbery. In which case, I must ask the perpetrators to cease and desist".