[b]Skidder and Kast[/b] Skidder sat back at the same quiet, out of the way and close to the exits seat at the bar that he’d sat at before Koren called him up to brief him on his latest job. He was trying his best to seem cool and relaxed, though he kept looking around and fidgeting in his seat every once in a while. He’d already sent out one of the many droids to ask for a meeting with one Zaheed Kast, the first mercenary whose name had caught Skidder’s eye as not being too big-time for his needs while hopefully not being a fresh face. Skidder’s cup was empty, but he didn’t seem to realize it as he tried to look calm and prepared, bringing the empty thing to his lips to taste the air and wait for his potential hired muscle. Kast entered the Tipsy Rancor and glanced around, his face covered in a polarized faceplate. Perhaps it was greedy for him to be taking so many jobs back to back, but a series of quick but profitable jobs back to back meant that he could afford himself more time to relax before needing to find more work. The Jedi job in particular went more smoothly than Kast anticipated. 120,000 credits for little more than a short taxi job. Sure it might’ve been more exciting to fight the Jedi, but that didn’t necessarily result in his victory, and having him come in peacefully was definitely more cost effective- no resources spent, save for the sonic grenade trap and hunting down a drug smuggler no one would miss. He found his contact with relative difficulty- no noticeable traits setting his contact apart from the other colorful sorts at the bar- a brown longcoat wasn’t an uncommon sight in Hutt Space. Approaching the contact, Kast took a seat next to him. “Skidder?” “Ah! Zaheed Kast. Excellent.” Skidder went to hand Kast a glass that was sitting on the table before he realized that it too was empty, so in a move pushed it next to the empty one to make it look as if moving the two empty glasses together was his plan all along. [i]Flawless[/i]. “I hear you’ve worked for Mr.Graeff before? If so that is absolutely excellent. I need you for a protection job-” Skidder pushed over a datapad with the details listed. “-No questions asked about the cargo being exchanged, no looking at the merchandise… All the usual affair. The credits are good because they aren’t mine. So if you have no questions, we should really get going.” Kast sat silently throughout most of Skidder’s prattle. The man was eccentric, and a little bit on the annoying side, but he worked for the Golden Exchange, and he was offering good money for what was a simple enough protection detail. Chances were that something was going to go wrong anyway, but when you always expected trouble, you’re rarely surprised by it. Still, he’d be good for a break after this mission. He nodded, his polarized faceplate hiding any expression. “What’s the pay?” Skidder fumbled with the datapad, as he tried to look up the amount that he was supposed to be offering for the job. “One Hundred Thousand Creds.” He wasn’t entirely sure if that was as much as he should be offering, this was one of the first deals he was funding entirely for himself. Well, he wasn’t funding it entirely himself he was given money by Koren to spend on a deal for them. “You ready to go?” “Fine.”