[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=B0C4DE]Trip[/color] [color=ff6600]to[/color] [color=00ccff]North[/color] [color=yellow]Newnan[/color] [color=B0C4DE]Riley[/color], [color=ff6600]Chloe[/color], [color=00ccff]Ravi[/color] & [color=yellow]Niesha[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ygyAwHk.gif?1[/img][img]https://s26.postimg.org/h9j0x6jah/cravi.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/EC6QQbl.jpg?1[/img] [I]Location:Funeral Home, North of Newman[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Niesha glanced down the stairs when they reached them, hesitating another moment, shining her flashlight down them, noting the darkness that seemed to be waiting to swallow them whole, like some sort of monster sitting there with its mouth gaping wide open for its pray to slink in. Like a Whale. And she was letting her mind drift again. [color=yellow]"No time like the present"[/color] She muttered, starting down the stairs after waiting a moment to see if there were any walkers attracted to the light. She climbed down the stairs carefully, holding her flashlight tightly, ready to use it as a weapon. It seemed pretty hefty. At the least, she could use it to dent a skull. Which could give her the time to get her knife out. A scent caught her attention, and she very nearly decided to turn around. It was... pungent, to say the least. What had failed, with the lack of power? The freezes for bodies? If that was the case, maybe there were dead here after all... she shook her head of that thought, holding her breath a moment. It smelled like... The latrines in her first community before they'd managed to get some semblance of plumping working. Only worse. Like... rotting meat, stale water... old blood. The smell of unwashed bodies, and sickness. [color=yellow]"That"[/color] Niesha said, [color=yellow]"is a rather unique combination of smells"[/color] She spoke softly, as if afraid of waking... something up. Ravi took in a good sniff, before nodding. He recognized that heavy stench - it was something to be expected. Whenever the drainage system in the morgue was (god forbid) backed up and got contaminated, those bodily fluids created this awful stench. It wasn't going to get any better the further they went, he knew that for sure. [color=00ccff]"It's contamination from biological materials in the drainage system,"[/color] Ravi explained quickly. Thinking for a moment, Ravi reached into his pocket and pulled out his set of gloves, before offering one to Niesha. [color=00ccff]"Here - place this over your nose. It'll help a tad bit,"[/color] Ravi explained. It would mean they'd both be down a hand, but he couldn't help but be a bit concerned about the air they were breathing in down in the basement. Placing his glove up against his nose, Ravi jumped a bit as he heard...[i]singing.[/i] It was the duet he and Gavin had sung the previous day. And just like the previous hallucination, it was Gavin's voice he heard, singing the part of the Nazi. [color=00ccff][i]You're not real. You're not real,[/i][/color] Ravi thought to himself, repeating it over and over again in his mind until he felt confident that it wouldn't be an issue. Perhaps, he wondered, this was it. His last act would be to ensure the proper burial for a good woman, before he descended into madness. He wasn't sure how to feel about the prospect of going batshit, but it was better than the fate most met at the hands of walkers. Riley looked towards Chloe for a moment when she heard the same crashing sound as well, climbing up to the top of the stairs bringing her crossbow to bare as she looked down the hallway. She could see some light shining through some of the opened doors, but she wasn't exactly sure where the sound had came from. [color=B0C4DE]"Stay close together."[/color] Riley whispered as she started to head down towards one of the opened doors. Chloe nodded, before looking in the other direction. [color=ff6600]"I'll sweep this direction,"[/color] Chloe said quietly. The windows didn't seem to be boarded up here and she walked in the opposite direction of Riley. She figured they were close enough that if anything happened, they'd be able to get to the other in a heart beat. Besides, they'd cover more ground this way. As she slowly walked forward, Chloe's eyes widened for a moment as she felt an immense pressure around her arm. Dropping her flashlight, it fell to the ground as she turned her gun, her heart hammering. She expected to see a walker or a son of a bitch from Eden. Instead, there was a needle in her vein and a chord wrapped tight. It stung deeply and Chloe shut her eyes tightly, as the entire world was drowned out by an intense ringing in her head. Her breathing was increasingly irregular by the second and had she been able to compose herself to take her pulse, she was certain it was skyrocketing. Her hands were shaking as she slowly brought one up to her arm, though truthfully, she was ignorant to the passage of time. It could have been seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and it wouldn't have felt any different to her. Still holding her gun, Chloe shakily brought her hand to the hypodermic needle, though she hesitated once she touched it and confirmed that it was real. She hadn't even noticed that she had been crying until a tear hit her outstretched arm. She could feel her veins swelling and blinded by tears, she mumbled an apology before she pressed the plunger down. She expected to feel it hit her system, but instead, the chord and the needle had vanished. Only about ten seconds had passed. [color=ff6600]"Fuck. That bastard,"[/color] Chloe whispered to herself. Accepting the glove, Niesha put it over her nose, waving the light over the room, seeking anything dangerous, whether alive or not. She glanced to Ravi as he jumped, frowning sligtly, looking around to see what had caused him to react like that, but couldn't see anything. She turned back to him [color=yellow]"Are you okay?"[/color] [color=00ccff]"I'm fine, thought I heard something,"[/color] Ravi said quickly. It was just his mind playing little tricks on him. Keeping his glove in place over his nose and mouth, Ravi shone his flashlight around as well, looking for shelves, carts, or storage areas. While chemicals are generally stored in special containers, the ones that were frequently used tended to be left out on carts in his experience. [color=B0C4DE]"Alright just holler if anything pops up."[/color] Riley said and nodded, though she thought it was a bit risky but it would make things that much quicker in clearing the top floor, she looked over her shoulder towards Chloe as she went down the opposite direction. Her attention turning towards one of the opened doors the hallway so far seemed to be pretty clear. She turned her head when she heard Chloe dropping her flashlight and ran over to check to see if she was alright. [color=B0C4DE]"Chloe are you okay?"[/color] Riley asked looking concerned for her sister. Chloe picked up her flashlight and forced a bit of a laugh. [color=ff6600]"I'm fine. Just dropped my flashlight, that's all,"[/color] she said. She didn't want to get into this with Riley. There was only one person (alive) that she'd open up about this to and it wasn't her twin. Her relationship with Riley got better each day, but she didn't want to discuss this with her regardless. There was too much shame involved. [color=ff6600]"I'm gonna start checking doors,"[/color] Chloe then added, before moving forward. Luckily, it didn't seem like anything had heard her, beyond Riley noticing she had dropped the flashlight. The low lighting helped as well - unless the flashlight was pointed directly at her eyes, no one would be able to notice that she had been crying. Niesha sighed softly, but nodded. If Ravi didn't want to talk, he didn't have to. She was expecting too much- all they'd done together was try to save a dying woman, and now they were hunting up supplies for her funeral. He could keep his secrets. She looked about, just in case he had heard somethi- A man was suddenly in front of her- she could swear she hadn't heard a walker approaching, and it simply wasn't possible that a walker could survive a blow to the head like that, the axe embedded in his head. She stumbled back, as everything, ever bit of logic she held, telling her this wasn't possible. Richard was dead. Wasn't that why James had been banished? For killing him? [color=tomato]"Got any aspirin?"[/color] She threw up her arms, as if that could stop this, her heart beating fast, wanting to run, wanting to flee and get as far away from here as possible. [color=yellow]"NO! Go away!"[/color] She tried to yell, but it came out a dry rasp, her mouth, her throat dry as her body focused on the more important task of survival. She closed her eyes tightly, it just couldn't be real... Like Sophia's voice, it just wasn't possible. She wasn't even that close with Richard... She had had sympathy for him... and maybe that was enough for her delusions... Heart beating fast, she opened her eyes. She wasn't here to break down. She wasn't here to go crazy. She was here for Miss Sally. She could ignore everything else. so she could see and hear dead people. So what? She stared at the dead man, clutching the flashlight tightly, heart still galloping in her chest. She could go crazy later. [color=yellow]"I'll deal with you later"[/color] She whispered, trying to feel strong, rather then barely holding on. [color=yellow]"Ravi? Lets get what we need and get out of here"[/color] [color=00ccff]"In a minute, love...Alien Hand Syndrome seems to have set in,"[/color] Ravi said, his voice clearly panicky. Whilst he had been carrying his torch and a knife a moment ago, there was now a straight razor in his left hand. This in itself was bizarre enough, as he couldn't remember picking one up. However, he hadn't had much time to think about it. Acting of its own accord, his left hand started heading for his most beloved possession: [i]His beard.[/i] Ravi and his beard had been through the best of times and worst of times together. The thought of shaving it off with sacrilegious. Yet there was lefty, attempting to kill the golden goose. Dropping his torch, knife, and even the glove he had pressed up against his nose, he began one of the most important wrestling matches of his life. With his right hand, he attempted to restrain his left, leaning backwards as well to keep his precious beard as far away from it as possible. [color=00ccff]"If you wouldn't mind taking the razor from my left, that'd be brilliant,"[/color] Ravi grunted, throwing himself against a wall in an attempt to knock some sense into lefty. Riley looked towards Chloe, she had a feeling that her sister was hiding something from her, but it seemed that Chloe just wanted to keep it bottled up for now. And fighting against her sister trying to get her to open up would end up in an argument which she didn't want at all at the moment. [color=B0C4DE]"Alright then, i'll continue looking through these other rooms."[/color] Riley turned back down the hallway and turned towards one of the opened doors. But before she even entered the room, she suddenly let out a loud scream as she started to see spiders, really big ones crawling all over her body and started to freak out. Riley started to try and peel the ones off of her arms and tried to throw them off, but she was freaking out spiders and dogs, those were the few things that Riley had nightmares about if she ever did see any. [color=B0C4DE]"Fucking goddamned spiders!"[/color] Riley yelled out as she stumbled back into the hallway. Had Chloe not been preoccupied, she likely would've rushed over to Riley. Instead, she found herself face to face with none other than Ryan O'Reilly, the Lord of the Fucking Dance. [color=fff79a]"Damn girl, calm your tits."[/color] There was a shit eating grin on his face as he took a drag from a joint, before holding it out to Chloe. She could clearly smell it, even feel the smoke hanging in the air. Huffing slightly, Chloe wasn't sure whether to crumble or to punch him. [color=ff6600]"You know I'm clean, shitface,"[/color] Chloe said, though her resolve was weak. The entire world was spinning and she had just had a hallucination. Reality was becoming more and more difficult for her to discern. Like a child testing to see if something was real, Chloe reached out and gently touched Ryan's arm, relief spreading through her as she touched fabric. He was real, then. [color=fff79a]"Fuck, one hit isn't going to hurt ya. And besides, Newnan'll be looking for a reason to go three for three anyways. Your ass is getting kicked out, just you wait,"[/color] Ryan promised. He took another drag, before once more holding it out to Chloe. [color=fff79a]"Come on - I can read ya like a book, girl. You're dying for a taste."[/color] Chloe rubbed her arm where she had seen the syringe. The scent of the joint was comforting and Ryan was right. She was the last outcast left in Newnan. As much as she wanted to be there for her sister, her days in Newnan could very well be numbered. It was a small blip when Froggy finally accepted her in medical. Nothing else like that would happen again. She stared at the joint for a moment, before she raised her gun and aimed at Ryan. [color=ff6600]"Fuck. You."[/color] Her voice was trembling as she stared at the man who brought her both happiness and pain. She tried to force a smile, but it was more like awkward muscle spams in her face. Then she took the gun and pressed it up against her own temple, laughing weakly. [color=ff6600]"If you're right, then what's the point in living? I'm only doing this for her - for Riley."[/color]