[center]Mentions: [@Suku] [@Riddle Me This][/center] [hr][center][color=778899][h3]Valeriya Iganov[/h3][/color][/center] The morning of a certain stranger in japan began with her falling out of bed. And then, she promptly started cursing herself for not remembering the time zone difference between her home town and Sakai, averaging out at about five hours. As such, she was dead tired for absolutely no reason, save for her own body clock thinking it was about one in the morning. She hadn't gotten the time to properly adjust herself in prep for moving here, mainly due to taking the entrance exam on the last possible day. Slumping up and rubbing the red bump under her hair, the girl set about her task of getting ready for the day in the motel that she'd had to use until the dorms were open. It was about what she could expect, minus the cockroaches and suspicious stains on the carpet, but being frugal mattered in the long run. Last thing she wanted was to have her father worry about her having enough, so she'd need to scrimp and save. Slipping into her uniform after having had a modest breakfast of twin slices of toast slathered in raspberry jam, Valeriya Iganov was somewhat tempted to try and use her quirk in some way to speed up getting ready, but...that was kind of pointless when she had to touch something to use it anyhow. Most use she got out of it was magnetizing her toast to her, and that was it for the wonderful world of a hero-in-training getting up. She'd look into getting a job once school settled into normalcy, but for now she had to get going. Taking a train, Valeriya suddenly felt a buzz in her pocket and quickly answered. Smiling slightly as she heard a familiar voice, she made smalltalk with her father. [center][color=778899][b]"Yeah, its nice here. A little warmer than home."[/b][/color] [color=778899][b]"The people here are nice."[/b][/color] [color=778899][b]"I'm getting enough to eat, don't worry."[/b][/color] [color=778899][b]"I love you too dad. Take care, alright? Also, go back to bed...I can take care of myself just fine."[/b][/color][/center] A conversation in Russian that warmed her heart with just the reminder that her father was waiting. Waiting for her to fulfill her dreams. His dream, too, in his stead. Once her stop came, it was only a short distance to walk to the massive academy, not used to such large institutions being just...there. Hero Academies always seemed like far off castles that were meant for someone else. Even if it wasn't the most prestigious or important, it was her's. Smiling as she treaded into her new stomping grounds, the Russian girl was eager to start...and eager to get out of that motel. After getting orders from the lady with kinda similar looking hair, Valeriya continued dragging her suitcase along with her, the mauve bag rolling on wheels behind her as she pulled on it. She could just magnetize it to her, but getting rammed in the back of her thigh would get annoying. The hall was filling up quickly, and as such she figured it was best to take a seat somewhere. One she did, she plopped down next to a girl wearing a pretty loose jacket and blue hair fiddling with a laptop...Was she doing some kind of video project? Over a foot taller than her, she couldn't help but be curious and use her height to her advantage, peering over to see without saying anything. Not like she'd notice...right? Just when she was about to get a look though, Valeriya was shocked as the wind suddenly kicked up from the wing beats of someone above. Not a ton, but enough to be noticeable as she craned her neck up at the guy flying. She quickly realized that they had somewhere very SPECIFIC to be, and got up quickly after only just sitting down. [color=778899][b]"...Crap, I thought I had more time...uh, nice...video."[/b][/color] she said as she stood up, giving a passing compliment to the girl on the bench, having struggled to remember if there was a WORD for video. Her hesitance in speaking might have even made it sound like a pitying comment, despite her just wanting to say something nice to a stranger. Regardless, she'd need to hurry up and get moving to the main hall, and hustled her bustle right on over to take a seat.