The sound of the coffin being lowered into the grave was almost ear-shatteringly loud for Ariana. "AdiĆ³s mi amor," she mumbled, her mouth barely opening to say the words. Only Alex and those around with super-hearing would be able to hear her. Melanie noticed her mother was beginning to cry harder, so the little girl - being the sweetheart that she was - carefully wiped away her tears with her little hand and hummed, "Don't cry, mommy." Juliettee took the hand that she had holding his arm and moved it down to squeeze his hand. Waiting a moment for the feeling to sink in that Wally had official been buried, she looked up at her boyfriend and whispered to him, "How are you feeling, love?" She wasn't concerned about anything else going on around her, only him. Crystal's eyebrows slowly creased with annoyance after Wally was lowered into the grave. She was annoyed that she was crying so much. Not to the extent of angry, yet, but very annoyed. She appreciated that Waiola was keeping her distance, because she really did hate appearing weak by crying.