Juliettee stepped in front of him, and placed a hand on each sides of his face. "We can go to my house, if you want," she offered, watching his blue eyes. "I know going back to your home will be a bit hard." One of her thumbs gently brushed over his check. Alex threw a handful of dirt onto the coffin, for Ariana's sake. Then he returned to her side and began guiding the troubled woman away from the site. As she passed by her son, she stopped to lightly squeeze his arm without looking at him then moving on. The past couple of days had hard for the two to communicate, especially with Ariana forgetting her medication. She wanted to talk to him but no time seemed like the right time to try and do so. Crystal momentarily left Waiola's side and offered a handful of dirt to the resting place of Wally. She returned to her girlfriend while she glanced over her family. F*ck, they were a messed up bunch. She took Waiola's hand and said, "Let's go home." She had to urge to cry more but didn't want to embarrass herself in front of the others.