[center][img]http://www.cutmypic.com/uploads/title164244655.png[/img] [color=gray][h2]Kage[/h2] [h3]Lurking as usual...[/h3][/color][/center] Returning from her recent job, Kage slipped into the Golem’s Arm Guild Hall to find it in a bit of an uproar. Confused as to what was going on, she moved against the wall, kept quiet and listened to the various conversations going on. “...what is he thinking?” “...weak Harpies...” “They don’t stand a chance!” “...I hope I’ll make S class this year...” “...so there was this sock...” A few minutes later, Kage thought she got the idea. Golem’s Arm was pairing with their rival guild Harpy’s Wing to host S-Class trials. Kage wasn’t particularly enthused. A few other guilds she had been in had similar events, but she had never been chosen. She had never been anywhere long enough, nor cared enough to try. Besides, it was likely that she would be forced to leave and find a new guild in a few months. Sooner or later they would learn her secret and drive her out. They always did. She passed the job request board and considered going out on a job again. But she really wasn’t feeling up to it. Instead, she made her way over to the bar for some food and drink. She got some soup and a tall glass of milk. Annoying that they wouldn’t let her have alcohol because of the way she looked... Jerks. But she couldn’t explain her condition to them, so she settled for an inferior drink. She found a mostly empty table to sit at. She gingerly placed her soup down, claiming the table as her own. Seeing a salt shaker nearby, she grabbed it. She shook a little salt into her gloved palm before casually tossing it over her left shoulder. That done, she removed her mask, placing it on the table, and began to eat. The soup was good. A little salty. But good.