[quote=@TheMadAsshatter] I have been so uninspired as of late. I've voiced interest in three RPs over the last several months, and never got past the character creation phase (I'm really sorry). I'm starting to wonder if I'm just jaded and need a nice long break, or if I'm completely losing interest. I hate to, because I've had some great experiences on here before, but trying to write up new characters is fucking exhausting. Once it's done, the situational writing comes naturally, but thinking of a history, personality, etc. of a character is so damn dull. [/quote] Go back to your basics, back to something simple in it's creation. You mentioned it in your post that you're trying to think of histories, personalities, relationships, motives, and so on and so forth... Yet you haven't even started the roleplay to begin with. You haven't developed the character for that world, only a prop that fits in within the rules and lore of that universe. This was something I noticed not too long ago in an advanced RP that opted to remove the bio section. For me, that was an odd choice as advanced should be about depth and detail, and yet it actually made the character a lot more easier to design. You didn't have to explain the history of their 5+ years or how they became a masterful mage, there was no restrictions on how the character history could change so you could create that chance encounter with another character, and you weren't writing the IC into the bio section—a section that in all honesty is forgotten by many people. One of my favourite pieces of my own writing is about two siblings in a train for a Western RP. To be honest I have forgotten the Character sheet completely but when I've shown that one post to people they understand the type of characters I am trying to portray, all without reading that character sheet. So I don't necessarily think you're jaded, and a break is nice when you're stressed from work and life, but I think the problem may lie in the size of the task that you are looking at. Reduce it down and follow the inspiration of how a movie or book sets up a character. The greatest manipulator of the computer world was a lonely hacker known as Neo, the battle for Middle Earth started off as a Hobbit at a Birthday party, and even Luke Skywalker was nothing more than a boy at his uncle's farm. These people have no history other than basic personality traits and yet their adventure is what we have come to know, not their childhood years. On the same token I think GMs in some roleplays have pushed and pushed the requirements for their applicants. I've seen some that ask for more and more prior to the RP starting and then wonder why it dies in a couple weeks. Last RP I showed interest in and not joined has only had a few IC posts, and yet there were about a dozen applicants who all posted these long character sheets with depth, detail, and enough info to bring the world to life. Bit of a long winded reply for the whole KISS principle, but it's just a little advice.