[@Crimson Raven] A heavy sigh escaped Jack as he walked through the guilds main doors and rubbed his sore neck with a grunt. Jacks night had been a rather fun one of drinking and fighting at the towns pub, but it was actually pretty disappointing seeing as how everyone who went up against him went down quickly. He was a bit annoyed thanks to his sore neck caused by a cheap blow from a bar stool and his ungodly hangover. Other than those two things though it was a fun night. As he entered the guild he stopped to notice that everyone seemed either confused or extremely pumped up about something. He cocked an eyebrow in confusion and pulled one of the newer guild members away. [color=f26522]"The hell's going on?" [/color]he asked while trying not to cringe from a splitting headache that pounded away at his skull. "Master Delsin just told us that for the S-class trails we're going up against Harpy Wing!" the member smiled before returning to his group of excited friends. Jack was a bit surprised and caught off guard, but soon a grin crawled onto his face as the news sunk in. His excitement began to grow as the thought of fighting Harpy Wings strongest fighters fueled his enthusiasm for the S-class trials. It was almost enough to help him forget his hangover. Almost. He winced at a sharp pain in his head as he walked to the guilds bar and sat down with a grin. [color=f26522]"Hey, the usual," [/color]Jack ordered from the bartender. The bartender rolled his eyes and smirked as he nodded his head and disappeared under the bar table. After a few seconds he returned with three large mugs of alcohol and placed them in front of a grinning Jack. "I'll put it on your tab as usual," he mumbled before heading off to the other end of the bar. Jack chuckled and quickly chugged half a mug with eagerness. He slapped the mug onto the table and sighed with relief. [color=f26522]"Now that is how you get over a hangover!" [/color]he laughed before returning to his drink. Not only were his drinks brightening his day, but the news of the S-class trails helped light the usual fighting flame within his gut. Soon he'd get another go at the rival guilds members and have a chance to fight a few others that he hadn't gone up against yet. This was going to be a good day for Jack. As he moved on to his second mug he noticed a hooded figure to his right enjoying their soup. He quickly recognized the figure to be Kage, a somewhat new member of the guild. Jack chuckled and leaned onto the table to get a better look of her. [color=f26522]"Hey, looks like you're back from your job. How many skulls did ya manage to crack?"[/color] he asked with a grin, but before he let her answer he noticed that she was only drinking milk and frowned. [color=f26522]"The hell you drinking that crap for? Here, have something that really goes well with soup!"[/color] he chuckled as he slid his much fuller mug to her side. Seeing someone not drink alcohol at a freaking bar nearly broke Jacks heart! The bartender noticed what Jack did, but after a quick gaze between the two he sighed and looked the other way.