Currently in the market for a partner to do a Walking Dead roleplay. Currently I am looking for someone who is capable of playing at least two characters, if you can do four that is great but not important if you can't. We will be playing all original characters (sorry hardcore fans ^^). The story will be taking place two years into the Walking Dead so we won't be no where near the start of all of this so we will be ideally a bit better prepared and or used to how things have become. If your interested in doing a WD roleplay with me please message me and I will give you my story idea and if your into it we can work out the details. [hider=Short intro on my Characters] [centre][img][/img] [img][/img] [IMG][/IMG] [Color=#feab24][b]The enclosed information within this file is classified as Level A Clearance Authorization. The material within this file can not be released, copied or viewed by any without the proper authorization. Anyone caught reading or in possession of such material without proper authorization or clearance will be punished to the fullest extent of military law.[/b][/color][/centre] [color=#d35400]Operations Group 666 or as they became known, Thanatos, is a Top Secret SOG commando unit comprised of four members. These members include United States Marine Major John "Bear" Coffey, Delta Force member Captain Nathaniel "Wolf" Campbell, 75th Ranger Regiment member Lieutenant Jeffery "Hawk" Croft and SEAL's member Colonel Tobius "Eagle" Ozias. Formed as a Black Operations unit as a result of impending nuclear attack on the United States, Thanatos grew to became one of the most successful SOG operations groups in the greater world. Conducting operations on almost every continent, they were if not at the time the pinnacle of any operations unit in existence. Due to the nature of their assignments, much of their activities are currently kept seal and no official record is available. The current status of Thanatos is Inactive due to unknown circumstances.[/color] [/hider]