[Center][color=violet][h3]Birdy [/h3][/color][/center] As Birdy jogged through a parking lot that had scattered cars of all different kinds of models, mostly red or black 4 doors. She was was headed for the fence that usually locked the lot in. It was there beneath a flickering lamppost that a cute boy bounced up and down on his toes, a plain glossy page held tenderly in his hands. Though she could barely hear him, she caught him saying [color=lightblue][b]"Birdyyy!"[/b][/color] he screamed suddenly. [color=lightblue][b]It's her, its' her! That's her, Daddy!"[/b][/color] Slowing down when the boy screamed, she didn't get a chance to see the handsome man in the dark yet. Not before she was suddenly gasping from an onslaught of pain. Her hands flying to her chest, she was bent over for just aminute as she sought the feeling of blades suddenly piercing her torso, but her hands found nothing. She was unscathed, her thoughts immediately turning to Nen and hunters who were looking for a name for themselves by catching an ex-Shadow Beast. As she looked around for the source, she missed their further exchange, before seeing the man hidden in shadows, the boy from earlier approached her, his cute little face bright with innocence. Glancing back where he had come, her eyes picked the man out. Even in the darkness she could see his sharp narrow eyes, and cold features. In contrast to the boy's messy hair and wide careless eyes. Seeing his giant smile would have eased Birdy's mind had it not been for the sudden intense pain from just moments prior. She was convinced the episode came because of the adult in the back so she kept her attention split between them. However, if the child were to make any sudden moves she'd be unprepared for that event. Listening as he stuttered out his sentence, the words catching and tripping on his young tongue [color=lightblue][b]"Can you... Hm? Hmmmmm? Aaah- Audo--Otto--"[/b][/color] A painful frustration slowly stole his features leaving him looking like his puppy just died be cause he couldn't remember the word autograph. Despite herself, Birdy chuckled and ruffled his soft hair saying, [color=violet] "You want me to sign your picture l'il buddy? If you can get your daddy to come over here I'd love to!"[/color] a forced cheerfulness thick in her throat as she sought a way to get him into range for a sudden attack if need be, and she had to be careful, if he did use Nen there was no telling if the picture had been altered in some way. Glancing down at the glossy face she focused on her eyes, using Gyo to see if there was any Nen used on the sheet of paper....