[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/366129818791575552/380647619980034048/Felixwilliams.png[/img][/center] "As you wish." With Dia in the next room getting undressed, something Felix couldn't help but think about despite trying his best not to, the young man focused his mond on the task at hand. Pancakes were easy to make, and often the easiest with practice over a traditional egg and toast, so he set to work with quick efficiency. One of the first modifications he had done to the room was get a proper kitchen island. Nothing elaborate, a simple smooth piece of worked stone set on four polished sturdy legs. Atop it was a a sieve, glass bowl, whisk, and the ingrediants he had pulled out. The school was so well supplied they allowed students to pick whatever they wanted from a gigantic list of items, letting them cook for thenselves. He'd asked about that unusual practice and was pleased to find out that the school treated it as a practical form of self teaching and maturity. Prepping your own meals gave you a healthy respect for self care and a practical skill. Sometimes the teachers in charge of the cafeteria asked for samples when a student asked for ingrediants and provided a recipe, receiving bonus credits for attempting difficult meals instead of remaking the same thing repeatedlt. Felix had personally opted away from such a thing as much as he could. Confidence in himself and his abilities were at an all time low, but for Dia he put in his best efforts. In a large bowl he sifted together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. As a bonus he added in brown sugar to make the oancakes sweeter and darker before mixing together, finally making a well in the center. Finally he poured in the milk, egg and some melted butter. On the stovetop he had a large cast iron pan heating up as he whisked the ingredients into a smoothe batter. When it was at the right consistency he threw in a handfull of blueberries and went to the pan. Butter was spread evenly along the bottom before he tipped the bowl. Three flat circles were made at a time, Felix using the cooking time to clean off his work station while flipping over the pancakes. Whenever a fresh stack was ready he put them on a plate and left it on the island. There were two high chairs on the opposite side, making it a table when necessary. With the last pancakes cooked he turned off the stove and placed his. Own buttered stack on the table, laying out knife and fork. While waiting for Dia, he grabbed the broom and dustpan and went to pick up the shattered glass. A smile on his face the entire time. [hr] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/366129818791575552/383561844213678080/icarusflynn.png[/img][/center] "Sloooow it down there, Jeremy was it? I'm getting old, can barely keep up with you!" Taking a handkerchief out of his shirt pocket he dabbed at the scratches while he began walking down the way Jeremy had come up. Top floor wasn't a place for those not ready to feel the winds fury, or lose their breathe to the view. From atop the school you could see the city proper at the base of the mountain. "Hate to ruin the fun but I'm not a teacher. Though I know the place well enough to be, I'd wager. Hasn't changed much since I was a lad here. First you gotta get down to the main offices, find someone there on the first floor that can point you to a classroom. Got about 30 minutes before homeroom starts so they'll put you where ypu need to go. After that it's just regular classes." The school was unique to how it operated, technically only doing a half day over western schooling that went into the afternoon. Around here it became elememtal training from lunch till dinner if you so chose. Students were required to practice regularily, with or without teachers, and advised first years to be cautious and practice on the grounds where even if something did go wrong damage could be minimized. The pair arrived at the first floor and Icarus squinted as he looked out the windows. Another breezy sunny day in paradise. "Look kid, I dunno your element so can't guide you much further than this. You find me out in the fields later don't hesitate to say hi though." Hopefully the lad wouldn't think he was being dismissive. [hr] [@Arya10108909],[@baraquiel],[@CrabInATree],[@Crusader Lord],[@hagroden],[@Hammerman],[@Kalleth],[@liferusher],[@Old Amsterdam],[@Pseudo Stygian],[@Raptra],[@Regitnui],[@Rune_Alchemist],[@Sailorsadie],[@Stern Algorithm],[@zelosse] The Academy was designed to teach elementalists how to control their emotions and extend their will to the spirits of nature dancing invisibly around them, having only become a proper school within the laat few hundred years or so. Other students had brought on developed change and added corriculum as the need arose until it became a school that served more than its own original purpose. Academics and Spiritual teachings were given equal footing with no emphasis on one over the other, aiming for students to learn what they felt was needed for them while still allowimg personal growth in the areas they wanted. College and University levels of learning were even available in the city as retired professors flocked from across the globe to settle and help expand. At the Academy the first 3 months were dedicated to establishing course times amd locations. The first floor of the academy branched off into structured classrooms used for all years, multiple faculty members taught a wide variety of subjects as needed. The days were structured differently once students were familiar with the groundsand requirememts. [b][h3] 8:30am: Homeroom / Announcements 9:00am: Gym - Commonly referred to as Manilows gauntlet 10:15am: English / Sciences / Mathematics (Students pick which course they want to take and alternate as they wish.) 11:30am: Designated Studies (This is where courses a student chooses to do becomes relevant. Photography, Sciences, metal shop, woodworking, tech, whatever you dedicated to.) 12:30pm: Lunch 1:15pm - 1:45pm: Homework / Dedicated Studies [/h3][/b] Students have a great deal of freedom when it comes to their school lives. Morning homeroom and the afternoon homework session are Mandatory for all students but the others are not. It is emcouraged that you go but some do not learm in classrooms crowded by others, so they are allowed to pick up their class courses at the start of the day and do the homework at their own pace. The only requirement is that your grades in said course remain steady while inderstanding course material. Designated studies aren't mandatory but it is advised you make the best use of this time. Teachers are encouraged to teach multiple subjects to help where it is needed, broadening their own skills in the process. Because there are 3 classes in one hourly slot it is up to the students to determine where they struggle the most and attend those classes for more hands on learning under a teachers supervision. Homework is still given from the other two, to be handed in at the end of the week. In rare occurrences a student struggles with all sunjects they are asked to substitute their designated studies with the class they are struggling with.