[b]Bridge of the Pirate Vessel, Present time[/b] Talia watched the instrument panels- those that still functioned- as the new arrival made its approach. It wasn't a vessel that she recognised as belonging to any of the pirates in this sector of space; a fact confirmed by virtue of their not hailing a companion vessel on the necessary frequencies- or indeed, at all. Given the type of vessel and the actions of those aboard it, Talia guessed they were smugglers exploiting a golden opportunity: A pirate ship this heavily damaged would likely have no-one aboard who could offer resistance; making now an ideal time to take some loot for themselves- and to take the maps and codes needed for safe passafge through the area. Talia smiled a small smile to herself; this might be a golden opportunity for her as well. It might come as a surprise to the smugglers to find no trace of maps or communication frequencies aboard, but once they learned that she knew them, she'd become an individual of surprising value to them. Talia turned her head as she abruptly heard thudding, mechanical footsteps in the hallway. Speaking of surprising... She rose from her seat, taking a quick peek down the hallway before just as quickly pulling her head back. The droid had evidently used the repair bay. It was fully functional again and headed this way. It had openly announced an intention to claim both vessel and cargo. Looked like she wasn't the only surprise the smugglers would encounter. She thought for a moment. There was little point in attempting to hide on the bridge. The droid seemed to be a cutting-edge military model; it was only a matter of time until it found her. Fightining it was pointless; even though she had blasters at her belt and vibro-blades too, with a space-suit on, she couldn't bring her tail or wings into play, and her lightsaber was tucked inside her tunic, under the space-suit. Even if the droid weren't formidable, even if she weren't able to bring all her abilities to bear, there was no essential argument between her and the droid, whether the droid shared that opinion or not. It was the pirates who had attacked it; not her. On the heels of that thought came another. A droid as sophisticated as this one more than likely had a memory-playback system, in order to review previous battles, analyse the attack-patterns of opponents and adapt and learn accordingly. If so, it could determine from those memories, that footage, that she was no threat. The best course of action then, might be to remain in the open and let it find her, not hiding, but not attacking or threatening either. It was risky, but it might be worth it. Her decision made, Talia took another seat, not the captain's chair but one where, nevertheless, the droid would be certain to see her, even before it arrived on the bridge. she kept her hands in plain view, away from the weapons at her belt and waited for the droid to arrive, to see what action it would take when met with a non-threatening life-form.